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Build the app for Android

Tristan Marsell edited this page Oct 30, 2019 · 3 revisions

No we don't have iOS support yet, but we would like to in far future. This page should explain how to build/run the The Public Transport app !


Flutter & Dart SDK

We always use the latest stable flutter release and we like you to do so too!


To gain full functionality, you need to obtain a google-services.json from Google Firebase. This will allow you to use FCM, Analytics and Crashlytics.

Place that file into the android/app folder.

API Keys

Of course, we can't release API keys. Therefore you have to generate your own API keys. Go to the android/ folder and rename api.keys.temp to api.keys. After that put your Google Maps API keys into the described lines.

Signing Keys (release build)

This is just important if you want to create a release build. At first, generate your KeyStore, and place it into the android/ folder. Go to the android/ folder and rename to, and put your signing values into the described lines.


After meeting all build requirements, you can simply run flutter run --release or flutter build <BUILDTYPE> for releases, or flutter run for debug build.