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kaelari edited this page Mar 17, 2023 · 4 revisions

Welcome to the CV2R Wiki!

What's CV2R you ask? It's the Castlevania II: Simon's Quest Randomizer written by BloodSweatAndCode! In this wiki you'll find everything you need to play, race, and develop CV2R!


The easiest way to play is to go to and get yourself a seed to play!


If you want to talk about CV2R, have a race, get some help with gameplay or development, make suggestions/requests, or report a bug, join us on the CV2R discord!


The core cv2r repository and the website repository are both on Github and are fully open source. You don't have to be a Javascript, assembly, or NES architecture whiz to contribute. The types on contributions we're looking for include:

  • Core Javascript code that handles all the randomization, tooling, and patch management
  • 6502 Assembly coding for the contents of the patches that modify game functionality
  • NES architecture knowledge to improve my spotty design of the patch system
  • Pixel art work to create new sprites for the game. Check out the custom sprite maker for cv2r that streamlines the process of creating sprites for Simon.
  • Design of new game modes, patches, and logic settings
  • Additional documentation for the How To Play section
  • Videos showing off the game, how to play, and rando-specific strats

If you want to contribute, hop into the #cv2r-development channel on the CV2R discord and propose your idea or ask how you can help out.