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Phoenix + React/Redux demo app

Phoenix + React/Redux demo app

This is a small app I wrote while learning the basics of Elixir, Phoenix, React and Redux.

It also uses Webpack2 to compile assets and Yarn for to manage frontend dependencies.

Just to test Webpack features I also included Bulma CSS framework.

Server app

It's a simple CRUD API to manage "documents". The document object only has the title and a dynamically created ID (using UUIDv4).

Instead of Ecto, it uses Elixir GenServer as database, as explained in the elixir guide:


The frontend is built using React + Redux. Webpack is the tool used to transpile JS and CSS (Sass).


Run the app

To start the app:

  • Install Phoenix dependencies with mix deps.get
  • Install frontend dependencies with yarn install
  • Start Phoenix endpoint with mix phoenix.server. This also runs webpack.

Now you can visit localhost:4000 from your browser.