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Swift 4.2 Version License Platform

Frequently used extensions in RxSwift

Dear those who love RxSwift

This library based on questions from KakaoTalk open chat room.
Join us if you have some questions about RxSwift or you are interested. We always welcome 😀
However, this chat room us operating in South Korea. Therefore, you will need speaking Korean 🇰🇷

이 라이브러리는 카카오톡 오픈 채팅방에서 올라온 질문을 바탕으로 만들어졌습니다.
RxSwift에 관련하여 질문이 있거나 관심이 있다면 언제든지 가벼운 마음으로 참여하세요 😀
이 방은 한국에서 운영되는 것이라 한국어를 필요로 할 수 있습니다... (이거 읽으실 정도면 문제없을 겁니다 😂)

RxSwiftについて質問や興味があれば、いつでも気軽に参加してください 😀
このルームは韓国で営業されているものなので韓国語を必要とします 🇰🇷



Functions Detail

  • KVO
    • observe(keyPath: KeyPath) -> Observable

      Observe KVO by keyPath

      KVO is an Objective-C mechanism. That means that it wasn't built with type safety in mind. This project tries to solve some of the problems.

        .observe(\.bounds, , options: [.initial, .new], retainSelf: true)
        .subscribe({ print($0) })
    • observeWeakly(keyPath: KeyPath) -> Observable

      Observe KVO by keyPath

      rx.observeWeakly has somewhat slower than rx.observe because it has to handle object deallocation in case of weak references.

        .observeWeakly(\.bounds, , options: [.initial, .new], retainSelf: true)
        .subscribe({ print($0) })
  • SectionDataType

    Define Section Data easily in tableView or collectionView

    Define follow

    enum TestSectionData {
        case section1
        case section2([Value])
    extension TestSectionData: SectionDataType {
        typealias Item = Value
        var items: [TestSectionData.Value] {
            switch self {
            case .section1: return [.string("Section 1")]
            case let .section2(value): return value
        enum Value {
            case string(String)
            case int(Int)

    You can use it follow

    let section = sections[indexPath.section].items[indexPath.row]
    switch section {
      case let .int(value):
        return cell
      case let .string(value):
        return cell
  • UIView
    • UIView.rx.bounds

      Observe bounds in UIView

      UIView().rx.bounds.subscribe({ print($0) })

      Observe center in UIView

      UIView(){ print($0) })
  • UILabel
    • UILabel.rx.textColor

      Binder textColor in UILabel

      Observable<UIColor?>.just(UIColor.white).bind(to: UILabel().rx.textColor)
  • UITextView
    • UITextView.rx.textColor

      Binder textColor in UITextView

      Observable<UIColor?>.just(UIColor.white).bind(to: UITextView().rx.textColor)
  • UIScrollView
    • UIScrollView.rx.contentSize

      Observe contentSize in UIScrollView

      UIScrollView().rx.contentSize.subscribe({ print($0) })
    • UIScrollView.rx.scrollableVertical

      Observe scrollable of vertical (bounds.height < contentSize.height) in UIScrollView

      UIScrollView().rx.scrollableVertical.subscribe({ print($0) })
    • UIScrollView.rx.scrollableHorizontal

      Observe scrollable of horizontal (bounds.width < contentSize.width) in UIScrollView

      UIScrollView().rx.scrollableHorizontal.subscribe({ print($0) })
  • UITableView
    • UITableView.register(cell: UITableViewCell.self)

      Register UITableViewCell easily

      Following sample will be register with "Cell" (UITableViewCell.Identifier).

      UITableView().register(cell: Cell.self)

      Also you can define Identifier like follow

      UITableView().register(cell: Cell.self, forCellReuseIdentifier: "CustomIdentifier")
    • UITableView.register(nibCell: UITableViewCell.self)

      Register UITableViewCell using NIB easily

      Following sample will be register with "Cell" (UITableViewCell.Identifier).

      UITableView().register(nibCell: Cell.self)

      Also you can define Identifier like follow

      UITableView().register(nibCell: Cell.self, forCellReuseIdentifier: "CustomIdentifier")
    • UITableView.register(cell: UITableViewHeaderFooterView.self)

      Register UITableViewHeaderFooterView easily

      FolloFollowing sample will be register with "Cell" (UITableViewHeaderFooterView.Identifier).

      UITableView().register(cell: Cell.self)

      Also you can define Identifier like follow

      UITableView().register(cell: Cell.self, forCellReuseIdentifier: "CustomIdentifier")
    • UITableView.register(cell: UITableViewHeaderFooterView.self)

      Register UITableViewCell using NIB easily

      FolloFollowing sample will be register with "Cell" (UITableViewHeaderFooterView.Identifier).

      UITableView().register(cell: Cell.self)

      Also you can define Identifier like follow

      UITableView().register(cell: Cell.self, forCellReuseIdentifier: "CustomIdentifier")
    • UITableView.dequeue(UITableViewCell.self)

      Dequeue UICollectionViewCell easily

      Following sample will be dequeue with "Cell" (UICollectionReusableView.Identifier).

      let cell: Cell? = UITableView().dequeue(Cell.self)
    • UITableView.dequeue(UITableViewCell.self, indexPath: IndexPath)

      Dequeue UICollectionViewCell easily

      Following sample will be dequeue with "Cell" (UICollectionReusableView.Identifier).

      let cell: Cell? = UITableView().dequeue(Cell.self, indexPath: IndexPath)
    • UITableView.dequeue(UITableViewHeaderFooterView.self)

      Dequeue UITableViewHeaderFooterView easily

      let cell: Cell? = UITableView().dequeue(Cell.self)
    • UITableView.rx.items(Cell.self)

      Bind items by rx

      Observable.just(["0", "1", "2", "3"])
          .bind(to: tableView.rx.items(cell: Cell.self)) { row, item, cell in
  • UITableViewCell
    • UITableViewCell.Identifier

      Define Identifier by class name

      class MyCell: UITableViewCell {
      MyCell.Identifier == "MyCell"
  • UITableViewHeaderFooterView
    • UITableViewHeaderFooterView.Identifier

      Define Identifier by class name

      class MyCell: UITableViewHeaderFooterView {
      MyCell.Identifier == "MyCell"
  • UICollectionView
    • UICollectionView.register(cell: UICollectionViewCell.self)

      Register UICollectionViewCell easily

      Following sample will be register with "Cell" (UICollectionReusableView.Identifier).

      UICollectionView().register(cell: Cell.self)

      Also you can define Identifier like follow

      UICollectionView().register(cell: Cell.self, forCellWithReuseIdentifier: "CustomIdentifier")
    • UICollectionView.register(nibCell: UICollectionViewCell.self)

      Register UICollectionViewCell using NIB easily

      Following sample will be register with "Cell" (UICollectionReusableView.Identifier).

      UICollectionView().register(nibCell: Cell.self)

      Also you can define Identifier like follow

      UICollectionView().register(nibCell: Cell.self, forCellWithReuseIdentifier: "CustomIdentifier")
    • UICollectionView.register(cell: UICollectionReusableView.self, forSupplementaryViewOfKind: SupplementaryViewOfKind)

      Register UICollectionReusableView for SupplementaryViewOfKind

      UICollectionView().register(cell: Cell.self, forSupplementaryViewOfKind: .header)
      UICollectionView().register(nibCell: Cell.self, forSupplementaryViewOfKind: .footer)
    • UICollectionView.dequeue(UICollectionViewCell.self, for: IndexPath)

      Dequeue UICollectionViewCell easily

      Following sample will be dequeue with "Cell" (UICollectionReusableView.Identifier).

      let cell: Cell? = UICollectionView.dequeue(Cell.self, for: IndexPath)
    • UICollectionView.dequeue(UICollectionReusableView.self, ofKind: SupplementaryViewOfKind, for: IndexPath)

      DeDequeue UICollectionReusableView for SupplementaryViewOfKind easily

      let cell: Cell? = UICollectionView.dequeue(Cell.self, ofKind: .header, for: IndexPath)
    • UICollectionView.rx.items(Cell.self)

      Bind items by rx

      Observable.just(["0", "1", "2", "3"])
          .bind(to: collectionView.rx.items(cell: Cell.self)) { row, item, cell in
  • UICollectionReusableView
    • UICollectionReusableView.Identifier

      Define Identifier by class name

      class MyCell: UICollectionReusableView {
      MyCell.Identifier == "MyCell"
  • UIViewController
    • UIViewController.rx.viewDidLoad Observe when called `viewDidLoad` in UIViewController
      UIViewController().rx.viewDidLoad.subscribe({ print($0) })
    • UIViewController.rx.viewWillAppear Observe when called `viewWillAppear` in UIViewController
      UIViewController().rx.viewWillAppear.subscribe({ print($0) })
    • UIViewController.rx.viewDidAppear Observe when called `viewDidAppear` in UIViewController
      UIViewController().rx.viewDidAppear.subscribe({ print($0) })
    • UIViewController.rx.viewWillDisappear Observe when called `viewWillDisappear` in UIViewController
      UIViewController().rx.viewWillDisappear.subscribe({ print($0) })
    • UIViewController.rx.viewDidDisappear Observe when called `viewDidDisappear` in UIViewController
      UIViewController().rx.viewDidDisappear.subscribe({ print($0) })
    • UIViewController.rx.viewWillLayoutSubviews Observe when called `viewWillLayoutSubviews` in UIViewController
      UIViewController().rx.viewWillLayoutSubviews.subscribe({ print($0) })
    • UIViewController.rx.viewDidLayoutSubviews Observe when called `viewDidLayoutSubviews` in UIViewController
      UIViewController().rx.viewDidLayoutSubviews.subscribe({ print($0) })
    • UIViewController.rx.willMove(toParentViewController: UIViewController) Observe when called `willMove(toParentViewController: UIViewController)` in UIViewController
      UIViewController().rx.willMove(toParentViewController: parentViewController).subscribe({ print($0) })
    • UIViewController.rx.didMove(toParentViewController: UIViewController) Observe when called `didMove(toParentViewController: UIViewController)` in UIViewController
      UIViewController().rx.didMove(toParentViewController: parentViewController).subscribe({ print($0) })
    • UIViewController.rx.didReceiveMemoryWarning Observe when called `didReceiveMemoryWarning` in UIViewController
      UIViewController().rx.didReceiveMemoryWarning.subscribe({ print($0) })
    • UIViewController.rx.isVisible Triggered when the ViewController appearance state changes (true if the View is being displayed, false otherwise)
      UIViewController().rx.isVisible.subscribe({ print($0) })
    • UIViewController.rx.isDismissing Triggered when the ViewController is being dismissed
      UIViewController().rx.isDismissing.subscribe({ print($0) })
  • ObservableType
    • withLatestFrom

      Extend withLatestFrom for support multi parameters

      let a = Observable.just("A")
      let b = Observable.just("B")
      let c = Observable.just("C")
      Observable().withLatestFrom(a, b, c)
          .subscribe(onNext: { (a, b, c) in
    • withLatestFromAndSelf

      Extend withLatestFromAndSelf for combining parameters with self

      let a = Observable.just("A")
      let b = Observable.just("B")
      let c = Observable.just("C")
      Observable().withLatestFromAndSelf(a, b, c)
          .subscribe(onNext: { (a, b, c) in
    • bind(to [ObserverType?]?)

      Can bind multiple ObserverType in one line

      let publisher = PublishSubject<String>()
      let observers: [PublishSubject<String>] = [...]
      let disposable = publisher.bind(to: observers)
    • bind(to ObserverType?)

      Can bind optional type if ovserver is nil, it will ignore subscribe

      let publisher = PublishSubject<String>()
      let observer: PublishSubject<String>? = nil
      let disposable = publisher.bind(to: observer)
  • SharedSequenceConvertibleType
    • withLatestFrom

      Extend withLatestFrom for support multi parameters

      let a = SharedSequenceConvertibleType.just("A")
      let b = SharedSequenceConvertibleType.just("B")
      let c = SharedSequenceConvertibleType.just("C")
      SharedSequenceConvertibleType().withLatestFrom(a, b, c)
          .subscribe(onNext: { (a, b, c) in
    • withLatestFromAndSelf

      Extend withLatestFromAndSelf for combining parameters with self

      let a = SharedSequenceConvertibleType.just("A")
      let b = SharedSequenceConvertibleType.just("B")
      let c = SharedSequenceConvertibleType.just("C")
      SharedSequenceConvertibleType().withLatestFromAndSelf(a, b, c)
          .subscribe(onNext: { (a, b, c) in


Used pods




RxSwiftExtensions is available under the MIT License See the LICENSE file for more info.


Frequently used extensoins in RxSwift







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