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Xcodebuild is a Ruby gem that implements a rake task library for building Xcode projects.

Warning: this project is unsupported, not under active development, and not intended for a general audience. I’m not a Ruby developer, so this project contains bad Ruby code, and there are probably better projects out there that accomplish similar things (for example, fastlane and xcbuild).



  • Ruby. Ruby comes preinstalled on macOS, but it’s recommended to use rbenv or RVM to manage Ruby versions.
  • Bundler. Once you have your preferred Ruby interpreter setup, run gem install bundler.


To use Xcodebuild in a project:

  1. Create a Gemfile. This should contain something like this:

    ruby '2.4.2'
    source ''
    git_source(:github) { |repo_name| "{repo_name}.git" }
    gem 'xcodebuild', :github => 'toddreed/xcodebuild'
    gem 'cocoapods'
  2. Run bundle install to install the dependencies.

  3. Add Gemfile and Gemfile.lock to your project’s Git repository:

    git add Gemfile Gemfile.lock
  4. Create a Rakefile; this could be as simple as:

    require 'rake'
    require 'xcodebuild'
    project = XcodeBuild::BuildProject.load('build.yml)
  5. Create a YAML file that describes your build configuration (see § “Configuring Build Projects” below for more information):

    workspace: Foo.xcworkspace
    certificate: Distribution.p12
      - scheme: Foo
        provisioning_profile: Foo App Store
        export_options_plist: ExportOptions.plist
        app_id: 999999999
  6. Define necessary environment variables. See below for details.

  7. Run, for example, bundle exec rake package. To see a list of tasks, run bundle exec rake -T.


The typical usage would be:

bundle exec rake deploy tag

If the building and deployment steps are separated, you could:

bundle exec rake package tag

and then later:

bundle exec rake deploy_only

Environment Variables

Variable Description Default
BUILD_NUMBER The build number passed to xcodebuild (the Xcode command line tool, not this library) and assigned to the CURRENT_PROJECT_VERSION build setting of your Xcode project. This assumes that in your Info.plist file you assign the Bundle version property (CFBundleVersion) to $(CURRENT_PROJECT_VERSION). If BUILD_NUMBER is not set then a build number may be inferred. See the section below for how build numbers are inferred.
INFERRED_BUILD_NUMBER_STRATEGY If BUILD_NUMBER is not set, this indicates what strategy to use to infer the build number. See the § “Inferred Build Numbers” below.
DEVELOPER_DIR Controls the version of Xcode tools used. The output from running xcode-select -p.
APP_STORE_CONNECT_USER The Apple ID for an App Store Connect account with the Developer role used to upload builds. This is only used for the deploy task that uploads the .ipa file to TestFlight.
APP_STORE_CONNECT_PASSWORD The password for the above Apple ID account.
CERTIFICATE_PASSWORD The password used for .p12 certificates. Currently it is assumed that all certificates have the same password. This is only used when running in a CI environment; otherwise, it is assumed that the necessary certificates (and provisioning profiles) are on the developer’s machine.

Inferred Build Numbers

If the BUILD_NUMBER environment variable is not set, then a build number can be inferred according to the strategy set by the INFERRED_BUILD_NUMBER_STRATEGY environment variable. Currently there is only one strategy for inferring build number: github_build_tag.

If INFERRED_BUILD_NUMBER_STRATEGY is not set, then the inferred build number will be 0.

GitHub and Build Tags

Environment Variable Value or Description
GITHUB_TOKEN The GitHub token that provides authorization to the GitHub repository. If using GitHub Actions, a token can be obtained from the ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }} expression in the workflow.
GITHUB_REPOSITORY The name of the GitHub repository. This environment variable is a default provided by GitHub Actions.

A build tag is assumed to have the form build/N where N is the build number. For example, if the most recent build tag is build/42, then the implied build number is 43 (N+1). If no tag of the form build/N exists, then the build number will be 1.

The tag Rake task can be used to generate a new build tag.

This strategy uses the GitHub REST API to query and set build tags.

Build Projects

A build project is a description of what you want to build. It specifies the Xcode project or workspace, the scheme and configuration to use, and other build settings and metadata needed to create an .xcarchive or .ipa file. There are two ways to specifying your build project: with a YAML file, or with Ruby code in your Rakefile.

A build project has the following model:


Configuring Build Projects

A build project can be specified with a YAML file. The following properties can be set:

Property Type Default Required? Description
sdk string iphoneos Yes One of: iphoneos, iphonesimulator, macosx, appletvos, etc. The SDK value passed to xcodebuild via the -sdk option.
code_signing_identity string nil Sets the CODE_SIGN_IDENTITY Xcode build setting.
certificate string nil The filename of the certificate file used to code sign the build. This file should be located in the directory specified by certificates_dir. The certificate will be added to a temporary Keychain.
code_sign_style string nil Sets the CODE_SIGN_STYLE Xcode build setting.
workspace string nil Only one of workspace or project should be set. The Xcode workspace file to use with xcodebuild.
project string nil Only one of workspace or project should be set. The Xcode project path to use with xcodebuild. Only one of workspace or project should be set.
build_dir string ./build The directory path for the build output.
certificates_dir string ./certificates The directory where certificate files are located.
provisioning_profiles_dir string ./profiles The directory where provisioning profiles are located. Provisioning profiles in this directory will be copied to ~/Library/MobileDevice/Provisioning Profiles during the build and removed when the build completes.
builds [Build] [] An array of Build objects. xcodebuild is run for each Build object.
tests [Test] [] Any array of Test objects. xcodebuild is run for each Test object.

Build Objects

Build objects can have the following properties:

Property Type Default Required? Description
sdk string Inherited Yes See above.
code_signing_identity string Inherited See above.
certificate string Inherited See above.
code_sign_style string Inherited See above.
scheme string Yes The scheme value passed to xcodebuild via the -scheme option.
provisioning_profile string The name of the provisioning profile. Sets the PROVISIONING_PROFILE_SPECIFIER Xcode build setting. (This is not the filename of the provisioning profile, but the name of the provisioning profile specified in the file itself.)
configuration string Release The configuration value passed to xcodebuild via the -configuration option.
export_options_plist string ExportOptions.plist Yes The path to an export options file. This is passed to xcodebuild (via the --exportOptionsPlist option) when exporting an archive.
app_id string Yes The app’s App ID (found in App Store Connect).

Test Objects

Test objects can have the following properties:

Property Type Default Required? Description
sdk string Inherited Yes See above.
code_signing_identity string Inherited See above.
certificate string Inherited See above.
code_sign_style string Inherited See above.
scheme string The scheme value passed to xcodebuild via the -scheme option.
destinations [string] Yes The destinations for running the tests. Each value is passed to xcodebuild via the -destination option.
test_plan string nil The test plan passed to xcodebuild via the -testPlan option.


The tasks and their dependencies:


The package tasks creates an .xcarchive, and the deploy tasks uploads to App Store Connect (TestFlight).

The install_certificates and install_provisioning_profiles tasks are no-ops when performed on a developer’s machine. This is determined by the existence of any environment variables that indicate that rake is running in a CI environment (e.g. CI, TRAVIS, GITHUB_ACTIONS, or TF_BUILD). On a developer’s machine, it is assumed that the necessary certificates are in the login keychain and the requisite provisioning profiles are present in ~/Library/MobileDevice/Provisioning Profiles.

Debugging with RubyMine

To debug the Rake library a suitable test project is needed to run the Rake tasks on. The Gemfile for the test project needs to reference the source path of this project; for example:

# Normally this would be used…
# gem 'xcodebuild', :git => ''
# To debug we need this…
gem 'xcodebuild', :path => '/Users/todd/Organization/Reaction/Source/xcodebuild'

Don’t forget to run bundle install after editing the Gemfile.

In RubyMine, your Run Configuration should look something like this:




The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.


A Ruby gem that implements a rake task library for building Xcode projects.







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