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Releases: tlamadon/pytwoway

PyTwoWay v0.3.21

10 Sep 23:07
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-Switch BLM to use variance instead of sds as weights

-Slight speedups to BLM and dynamic BLM

-Fix progress bar for BLM

PyTwoWay v0.3.20

10 Sep 03:59
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-Switch from G'wG to groupby-sum in BLM (approximately 2x faster overall than before)

-Add option to compute certain operations using GPU for BLM

PyTwoWay v0.3.17

06 Sep 05:32
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-Move CHK event studies from BipartitePandas into PyTwoWay

-Add option to compute standard errors and clustered standard errors for continuous control variables in AKM estimation

-Fix bug with Jacobi preconditioner if any diagonal elements equalled 0

-Change parameter dictionaries to import from ParamsDict rather than BipartitePandas

-Add dynamic BLM (not yet added to documentation)

-Add interacted BLM (not yet added to documentation)

-Other small changes and bug fixes

PyTwoWay v0.3.15

18 Aug 19:36
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-Fix FEControlEstimator to normalize categorical variables correctly (normalize the first type for each categorical variable)

-Change FEEstimator and FEControlEstimator to normalize the first firm rather than the last firm

Thank you to @Alalalalaki for pointing out the error with normalizing categorical variables and to @santiagohermo for suggesting to use releases!