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Try of BRPC Jenkins DUB

What's BRPC: A RPC framework from BAIDU in c-plus-plus.
Why try: For the sake of BRPC being very Huo these days.
Which tools: Visual Studio Community 2017(the best IDE in the universe)Ubuntu 14


Compile LIBS

Following the QUICK START from BRPC project:

For Ubuntu only as below:

$sudo apt-get install git g++ make libssl-dev
$sudo apt-get install libgflags-dev libprotobuf-dev libprotoc-dev protobuf-compiler libleveldb-dev  
$sudo apt-get install libsnappy-dev  
$git clone
$cd brpc
$sh --headers=/usr/include --libs=/usr/lib  
$tar -zcvf brpc.tar.gz output/*  

Copy include files and lib files

  • Download and unzip brpc.tar.gz/output/include/* to Windows include directory. In my machine the default including path is C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Community\Common7\IDE\VC\Linux\include\usr\include.
  • Copy the LIBS brpc/output/lib/* to /usr/lib
  • Copy /brpc/output/include/* to /usr/include

Simple use of BRPC

Write your proto file:proto/echo.proto

option cc_generic_services = true;//java_generic_service for Java and py_generic_service for Python

message EchoRequest {
      required string message = 1;

message EchoResponse {
      required string message = 1;

service EchoService {
      rpc Echo(EchoRequest) returns (EchoResponse);

more usage of protobuf

Generate and implement of service

Generate proto service

protoc command

[usage] protoc --proto_path=IMPORT_PATH --cpp_out=DST_DIR --java_out=DST_DIR --python_out=DST_DIR path/to/file.proto

IMPORT_PATH specifies a directory in which to look for .proto files when resolving import directives, use -I in short.

upload proto file path_to_your_project/proto/echo.proto(Windows) to ~/brpc/*(Ubuntu).

cd ~/brpc/
mkdir proto_gen
cd proto
protoc --cpp_out=../proto_gen echo.proto
cd ~/brpc/proto_gen 

output: echo.pb.ccecho.pb.h

download directory proto_gen/* from Ubuntu to Windows project dir.

include ../proto_gen/echo.pb.h file in the project then implement EchoService:

pack the protobuf header files.

cd /usr/include
sudo tar -zcvf google.protobuf.tar.gz google/*
sudo mv google.protobuf.tar.gz ~/
cd ~/
sudo chown ubuntu:ubuntu google.protobuf.tar.gz

download to Windows, unzip and copy to including directory.

... same way to pack /usr/lib/gflags/* as gflags.include.tar.gz and copy to Windows including directory.

Implement of service

include the generated file echo.pb.h and ****.

Add head file EchoServiceImpl.h implement EchoService.

#include "echo.pb.h"
	class EchoServiceImpl :public EchoService
		EchoServiceImpl() {};
		virtual ~EchoServiceImpl() {};
		void virtual Echo(::google::protobuf::RpcController* cntl_base,
			const ::EchoRequest* request,
			::EchoResponse* response,
			::google::protobuf::Closure* done);

Implements the functions according to the guide of BRPC/实现生成的service接口

Advice and Doc

  • Add a macro GFLAGS_NS
#ifndef GFLAGS_NS
#endif // !GFLAGS_NS
  • Include all the files generated by protoc into the project.

  • Simple doc(CN)

Test and Run

  1. Generating the project(remoting debug machine configured) will compile the project and put the *.out to the remote path ~/projects/personal_service.

  2. Run.

$cd ~/projects/personal_service/bin/x64/Debug
  1. Test Every Protobuf Service is HTTP Enabled, so we can test it by CURL.
$ curl -d '{"message":"hello"}' http://{your_ubuntu_debug_machine_ip}:8000/EchoService/Echo


Implement more complex service, including:

  • GPSService:Read/Write GPS locations for my app.

  • BlogService:Load index/post pages from the service through port 80.


A try of Baidu BRPC.








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