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reprex 1.0.0

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@jennybc jennybc released this 27 Jan 15:55


  • reprex_VENUE(...) is a new way to call reprex(..., venue = "VENUE"). For example, reprex_r() is equivalent to reprex(venue = "r"). This makes non-default venues easier to access via auto-completion (#256).

  • venue = "so" (SO = Stack Overflow) has converged with default venue = "gh" (GitHub). As of January 2019, SO supports CommonMark fenced code blocks. The only remaining difference is that Stack Overflow does not support the collapsible details tag that we use on GitHub to reduce the clutter from, e.g., session info (#231).

  • "rtf" (Rich Text Format) is a new experimental venue for pasting into applications like PowerPoint and Keynote. It is experimental because it requires a working installation of the highlight command line tool, which is left as a somewhat fiddly exercise for the user (#331). venue = "rtf" is documented in its own article.

  • reprex.current_venue is a new read-only option that is set during reprex_render(). Other packages can use it to generate reprex()-compatible, venue-aware output, such as an renv lockfile.

Implementation and internals

  • reprex() has been internally refactored to make better use of the official
    machinery for extending rmarkdown:

    • reprex_document() is a new R Markdown output format.
    • reprex_render() is a newly exported function.
    • A reprex_document() is designed to be rendered with reprex_render().
      reprex_render() is designed to act on a reprex_document(). This is
      (still) the heart of what the reprex() function does, in addition to
      various interface and workflow niceties.
    • Two R Markdown templates ship with the package, which an RStudio user can
      access via File > New File > R Markdown ... > From Template. One is
      minimal; the other uses lots of reprex features. Both include
      knit: reprex::reprex_render in the YAML, which causes the RStudio "Knit"
      button to use reprex_render().
  • prex(), prex_VENUE(), and prex_render() are new unexported functions that, like reprex(), render a small bit of code, but with much less reproducibility! The code is evaluated in the global workspace of the current process, with the current working directory. This pragmatic hack is useful when preparing a series of related snippets, e.g., for a Keynote or PowerPoint presentation, and there's not enough space to make each one self-contained.

  • UTF-8 encoding: Following the lead of knitr, reprex makes explicit use of UTF-8 internally (#237 @krlmlr, #261).

  • When the reprex causes R to crash, reprex(std_out_err = TRUE) is able to provide more information about the crash, in some cases (#312).

Other changes and improvements

  • The tidyverse_quiet argument and reprex.tidyverse_quiet option also control startup messages from the tidymodels meta-package (#326, @juliasilge).

  • reprex_locale() is a new thin wrapper around reprex() that renders in a temporarily-altered locale (#250).

  • The si argument of reprex() is now session_info. Being explicit seems more important than saving characters, given auto-completion.

  • The show argument of reprex() is now html_preview, for the sake of consistency with other R Markdown output formats.

  • New article on techniques for making package startup quieter (#187, @marionlouveaux).

Dependency changes

R 3.1 and R 3.2 are no longer explicitly supported or tested. Our general practice is to support the current release (4.0, at time of writing), devel, and the 4 previous versions of R (3.6, 3.5, 3.4, 3.3).

  • sessioninfo is new in Suggests, replacing devtools.

  • glue is new in Imports, replacing whisker.

  • knitr moves from Suggests to Imports (although it was already a hard dependency via rmarkdown), so we can require v1.23 or higher, which represents a major switch to UTF-8.

  • cli is new in Imports.

  • reprex now relies on testthat >= 3.0.0 and, specifically, uses third edition features.