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Releases: tidyverse/ggplot2

ggplot2 3.5.1

23 Apr 10:21
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This is a small release focusing on fixing regressions from 3.5.0 and
documentation updates.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed bug where discrete scales could not map aesthetics only consisting of
    NAs (#5623)
  • Fixed spurious warnings from sec_axis() with breaks = NULL (#5713).
  • Patterns and gradients are now also enabled in geom_sf()
    (@teunbrand, #5716).
  • The default behaviour of resolution() has been reverted to pre-3.5.0
    behaviour. Whether mapped discrete vectors should be treated as having
    resolution of 1 is controlled by the new discrete argument.
  • Fixed bug in guide_bins() and guide_coloursteps() where discrete breaks,
    such as the levels produced by cut(), were ordered incorrectly
    (@teunbrand, #5757).


  • When facets coerce the faceting variables to factors, the 'ordered' class
    is dropped (@teunbrand, #5666).
  • coord_map() and coord_polar() throw informative warnings when used
    with the guide system (#5707).
  • When passing a function to stat_contour(breaks), that function is used to
    calculate the breaks even if bins and binwidth are missing
    (@teunbrand, #5686).
  • geom_step() now supports lineend, linejoin and linemitre parameters
    (@teunbrand, #5705).
  • Fixed performance loss when the .data pronoun is used in aes() (#5730).
  • Facet evaluation is better at dealing with inherited errors
    (@teunbrand, #5670).
  • stat_bin() deals with non-finite breaks better (@teunbrand, #5665).
  • While axes in coord_radial() don't neatly fit the top/right/bottom/left
    organisation, specifying position = "top" or position = "right"
    in the scale will flip the placement of the radial axis (#5735)
  • Theme elements that do not exist now throw warnings instead of errors (#5719).
  • Fixed bug in coord_radial() where full circles were not treated as such
    (@teunbrand, #5750).
  • When legends detect the presence of values in a layer, NA is now detected
    if the data contains values outside the given breaks (@teunbrand, #5749).
  • annotate() now warns about stat or position arguments (@teunbrand, #5151)
  • guide_coloursteps(even.steps = FALSE) now works with discrete data that has
    been formatted by cut() (@teunbrand, #3877).

ggplot2 3.5.0

23 Feb 09:33
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This is a minor release that turned out quite beefy. It is focused on
overhauling the guide system: the system responsible for displaying information
from scales in the guise of axes and legends. As part of that overhaul, new
guides have been implemented and existing guides have been refined. The look
and feel of guides has been mostly preserved, but their internals and
styling options have changed drastically.

Briefly summarising other highlights, we also welcome coord_radial() as a
successor of coord_polar(). Initial support for newer graphical features,
such as pattern fills has been added. The API has changed how I()/<AsIs>
vectors interact with the scale system, namely: not at all.

Breaking changes

  • The guide system. As a whole. See 'new features' for more information.
    While the S3 guide generics are still in place, the S3 methods for
    guide_train(), guide_merge(), guide_geom(), guide_transform(),
    guide_gengrob() have been superseded by the respective ggproto methods.
    In practice, this will mean that NextMethod() or sub-classing ggplot2's
    guides with the S3 system will no longer work.

  • By default, guide_legend() now only draws a key glyph for a layer when
    the value is in the layer's data. To revert to the old behaviour, you
    can still set show.legend = c({aesthetic} = TRUE) (@teunbrand, #3648).

  • In the scale_{colour/fill}_gradient2() and
    scale_{colour/fill}_steps2() functions, the midpoint argument is
    transformed by the scale transformation (#3198).

  • The legend.key theme element is set to inherit from the panel.background
    theme element. The default themes no longer set the legend.key element.
    This causes a visual change with the default theme_gray() (#5549).

  • The scale_name argument in continuous_scale(), discrete_scale() and
    binned_scale() is soft-deprecated. If you have implemented custom scales,
    be advised to double-check that unnamed arguments ends up where they should
    (@teunbrand, #1312).

  • The legend.text.align and legend.title.align arguments in theme() are
    deprecated. The hjust setting of the legend.text and legend.title
    elements continues to fulfill the role of text alignment (@teunbrand, #5347).

  • 'lines' units in geom_label(), often used in the label.padding argument,
    are now are relative to the text size. This causes a visual change, but fixes
    a misalignment issue between the textbox and text (@teunbrand, #4753)

  • coord_flip() has been marked as superseded. The recommended alternative is
    to swap the x and y aesthetic and/or using the orientation argument in
    a layer (@teunbrand, #5130).

  • The trans argument in scales and secondary axes has been renamed to
    transform. The trans argument itself is deprecated. To access the
    transformation from the scale, a new get_transformation() method is
    added to Scale-classes (#5558).

  • Providing a numeric vector to theme(legend.position) has been deprecated.
    To set the default legend position inside the plot use
    theme(legend.position = "inside", legend.position.inside = c(...)) instead.

New features

  • Plot scales now ignore AsIs objects constructed with I(x), instead of
    invoking the identity scale. This allows these columns to co-exist with other
    layers that need a non-identity scale for the same aesthetic. Also, it makes
    it easy to specify relative positions (@teunbrand, #5142).

  • The fill aesthetic in many geoms now accepts grid's patterns and gradients.
    For developers of layer extensions, this feature can be enabled by switching
    from fill = alpha(fill, alpha) to fill = fill_alpha(fill, alpha) when
    providing fills to grid::gpar() (@teunbrand, #3997).

  • New function check_device() for testing the availability of advanced
    graphics features introduced in R 4.1.0 onward (@teunbrand, #5332).

  • coord_radial() is a successor to coord_polar() with more customisation
    options. coord_radial() can:

    • integrate with the new guide system via a dedicated guide_axis_theta() to
      display the angle coordinate.
    • in addition to drawing full circles, also draw circle sectors by using the
      end argument.
    • avoid data vanishing in the center of the plot by setting the donut
    • adjust the angle aesthetic of layers, such as geom_text(), to align
      with the coordinate system using the rotate_angle argument.

The guide system

The guide system encompassing axes and legends, as the last remaining chunk of
ggplot2, has been rewritten to use the <ggproto> system instead of the S3
system. This change was a necessary step to officially break open the guide
system for extension package developers. The axes and legends now inherit from
a <Guide> class, which makes them extensible in the same manner as geoms,
stats, facets and coords (#3329, @teunbrand)

  • The most user-facing change is that the styling of guides is rewired through
    the theme system. Guides now have a theme argument that can style
    individual guides, while theme() has gained additional arguments to style
    guides. Theme elements declared in the guide override theme elements set
    through the plot. The new theme elements for guides are:
    legend.key.spacing{.x/.y}, legend.frame, legend.axis.line,
    legend.ticks, legend.ticks.length, legend.text.position and
    legend.title.position. Previous style options in the arguments of
    guide_*() functions are soft-deprecated.

  • Unfortunately, we could not fully preserve the function of pre-existing
    guide extensions written in the S3 system. A fallback for these old guides
    is encapsulated in the <GuideOld> class, which calls the old S3 generics.
    The S3 methods have been removed as part of cleaning up, so the old guides
    will still work if the S3 methods are reimplemented, but we encourage to
    switch to the new system (#2728).

  • The order argument of guides now strictly needs to be a length-1
    integer (#4958).


  • New guide_axis_stack() to combine other axis guides on top of one another.

  • New guide_axis_theta() to draw an axis in a circular arc in
    coord_radial(). The guide can be controlled by adding
    guides(theta = guide_axis_theta(...)) to a plot.

  • New guide_axis_logticks() can be used to draw logarithmic tick marks as
    an axis. It supersedes the annotation_logticks() function
    (@teunbrand, #5325).

  • guide_axis() gains a minor.ticks argument to draw minor ticks (#4387).

  • guide_axis() gains a cap argument that can be used to trim the
    axis line to extreme breaks (#4907).

  • Primary axis titles are now placed at the primary guide, so that
    guides(x = guide_axis(position = "top")) will display the title at the
    top by default (#4650).

  • The default vjust for the axis.title.y.right element is now 1 instead of

  • Unknown secondary axis guide positions are now inferred as the opposite
    of the primary axis guide when the latter has a known position (#4650).


  • New guide_custom() function for drawing custom graphical objects (grobs)
    unrelated to scales in legend positions (#5416).

  • All legends have acquired a position argument, that allows individual guides
    to deviate from the legend.position set in the theme() function. This
    means that legends can now be placed at multiple sides of the plot (#5488).

  • The spacing between legend keys and their labels, in addition to legends
    and their titles, is now controlled by the text's margin setting. Not
    specifying margins will automatically add appropriate text margins. To
    control the spacing within a legend between keys, the new
    legend.key.spacing.{x/y} argument can be used in theme(). This leaves the
    legend.spacing theme setting dedicated to solely controlling the spacing
    between different guides (#5455).

  • guide_colourbar() and guide_coloursteps() gain an alpha argument to
    set the transparency of the bar (#5085).

  • New display argument in guide_colourbar() supplants the raster argument.
    In R 4.1.0 and above, display = "gradient" will draw a gradient.

  • Legend keys that can draw arrows have their size adjusted for arrows.

  • When legend titles are larger than the legend, title justification extends
    to the placement of keys and labels (#1903).

  • Glyph drawing functions of the draw_key_*() family can now set "width"
    and "height" attributes (in centimetres) to the produced keys to control
    their displayed size in the legend.

  • coord_sf() now uses customisable guides provided in the scales or
    guides() function (@teunbrand).


  • guide_coloursteps(even.steps = FALSE) now draws one rectangle per interval
    instead of many small ones (#5481).

  • draw_key_label() now better reflects the appearance of labels (#5561).

  • position_stack() no longer silently removes missing data, which is now
    handled by the geom instead of position (#3532).

  • The minor_breaks function argument in scales can now also take a function
    with two arguments: the scale's limits and the scale's major breaks (#3583).

  • Failing to fit or predict in stat_smooth() now gives a warning and omits
    the failed group, instead of throwing an error (@teunbrand, #5352).

  • labeller() now handles unspecified entries from lookup tables
    (@92amartins, #4599).

  • fortify.default() now accepts a data-frame-like object granted the object
    exhibits healthy dim(), colnames(), and behaviours
    (@hpages, #5390).

  • geom_violin() gains a bounds argument analogous to geom_density()s
    (@eliocamp, #5493).

  • To apply dodging more consistently in violin plots, stat_ydensity() now
    has a drop argument to keep or discard groups with 1 observation.

  • geom_boxplot() gains a new argument, staplewidth that can...

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ggplot2 3.4.4

12 Oct 18:56
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This hotfix release adapts to a change in r-devel's base::is.atomic() and
the upcoming retirement of maptools.

ggplot2 3.4.3

14 Aug 12:07
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This hotfix release addresses a version comparison change in r-devel. There are
no user-facing or breaking changes.

ggplot2 3.4.2

11 Apr 06:37
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This is a hotfix release anticipating changes in r-devel, but folds in upkeep
changes and a few bug fixes as well.

Minor improvements

  • Various type checks and their messages have been standardised
    (@teunbrand, #4834).

  • ggplot2 now uses scales::DiscreteRange and scales::ContinuousRange, which
    are available to write scale extensions from scratch (@teunbrand, #2710).

  • The layer_data(), layer_scales() and layer_grob() now have the default
    plot = last_plot() (@teunbrand, #5166).

  • The datetime_scale() scale constructor is now exported for use in extension
    packages (@teunbrand, #4701).

Bug fixes

  • update_geom_defaults() and update_stat_defaults() now return properly
    classed objects and have updated docs (@dkahle, #5146).

  • For the purposes of checking required or non-missing aesthetics, character
    vectors are no longer considered non-finite (@teunbrand, @4284).

  • annotation_logticks() skips drawing ticks when the scale range is non-finite
    instead of throwing an error (@teunbrand, #5229).

  • Fixed spurious warnings when the weight was used in stat_bin_2d(),
    stat_boxplot(), stat_contour(), stat_bin_hex() and stat_quantile()
    (@teunbrand, #5216).

  • To prevent changing the plotting order, stat_sf() is now computed per panel
    instead of per group (@teunbrand, #4340).

  • Fixed bug in coord_sf() where graticule lines didn't obey
    panel.grid.major's linewidth setting (@teunbrand, #5179).

  • geom_text() drops observations where angle = NA instead of throwing an
    error (@teunbrand, #2757).

ggplot2 3.4.1

20 Feb 07:55
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This is a small release focusing on fixing regressions in the 3.4.0 release
and minor polishes.

Breaking changes

  • The computed variable y in stat_ecdf() has been superseded by ecdf to
    prevent incorrect scale transformations (@teunbrand, #5113 and #5112).

New features

  • Added scale_linewidth_manual() and scale_linewidth_identity() to support
    the linewidth aesthetic (@teunbrand, #5050).

  • ggsave() warns when multiple filenames are given, and only writes to the
    first file (@teunbrand, #5114).

Bug fixes

  • Fixed a regression in geom_hex() where aesthetics were replicated across
    bins (@thomasp85, #5037 and #5044).

  • Using two ordered factors as facetting variables in
    facet_grid(..., as.table = FALSE) now throws a warning instead of an
    error (@teunbrand, #5109).

  • Fixed misbehaviour of draw_key_boxplot() and draw_key_crossbar() with
    skewed key aspect ratio (@teunbrand, #5082).

  • Fixed spurious warning when weight aesthetic was used in stat_smooth()
    (@teunbrand based on @clauswilke's suggestion, #5053).

  • The lwd alias is now correctly replaced by linewidth instead of size
    (@teunbrand based on @clauswilke's suggestion #5051).

  • Fixed a regression in Coord$train_panel_guides() where names of guides were
    dropped (@maxsutton, #5063).

In binned scales:

  • Automatic breaks should no longer be out-of-bounds, and automatic limits are
    adjusted to include breaks (@teunbrand, #5082).

  • Zero-range limits no longer throw an error and are treated akin to continuous
    scales with zero-range limits (@teunbrand, #5066).

  • The trans = "date" and trans = "time" transformations were made compatible
    (@teunbrand, #4217).

ggplot2 3.4.0

07 Nov 08:19
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This is a minor release focusing on tightening up the internals and ironing out
some inconsistencies in the API. The biggest change is the addition of the
linewidth aesthetic that takes of sizing the width of any line from size.
This change, while attempting to be as non-breaking as possible, has the
potential to change the look of some of your plots.

Other notable changes is a complete redo of the error and warning messaging in
ggplot2 using the cli package. Messaging is now better contextualised and it
should be easier to identify which layer an error is coming from. Last, we have
now made the switch to using the vctrs package internally which means that
support for vctrs classes as variables should improve, along with some small
gains in rendering speed.

Breaking changes

  • A linewidth aesthetic has been introduced and supersedes the size
    aesthetic for scaling the width of lines in line based geoms. size will
    remain functioning but deprecated for these geoms and it is recommended to
    update all code to reflect the new aesthetic. For geoms that have both point
    sizing and linewidth sizing (geom_pointrange() and geom_sf) size now
    only refers to sizing of points which can leads to a visual change in old
    code (@thomasp85, #3672)

  • The default line width for polygons in geom_sf() have been decreased to 0.2
    to reflect that this is usually used for demarking borders where a thinner
    line is better suited. This change was made since we already induced a
    visual change in geom_sf() with the introduction of the linewidth

  • The dot-dot notation (..var..) and stat(), which have been superseded by
    after_stat(), are now formally deprecated (@yutannihilation, #3693).

  • qplot() is now formally deprecated (@yutannihilation, #3956).

  • stage() now properly refers to the values without scale transformations for
    the stage of after_stat. If your code requires the scaled version of the
    values for some reason, you have to apply the same transformation by yourself,
    e.g. sqrt() for scale_{x,y}_sqrt() (@yutannihilation and @teunbrand, #4155).

  • Use rlang::hash() instead of digest::digest(). This update may lead to
    changes in the automatic sorting of legends. In order to enforce a specific
    legend order use the order argument in the guide. (@thomasp85, #4458)

  • referring to x in backquoted expressions with label_bquote() is no longer

  • The ticks.linewidth and frame.linewidth parameters of guide_colourbar()
    are now multiplied with .pt like elsewhere in ggplot2. It can cause visual
    changes when these arguments are not the defaults and these changes can be
    restored to their previous behaviour by adding / .pt (@teunbrand #4314).

  • scale_*_viridis_b() now uses the full range of the viridis scales
    (@gregleleu, #4737)

New features

  • geom_col() and geom_bar() gain a new just argument. This is set to 0.5
    by default; use just = 0/just = 1 to place columns on the left/right
    of the axis breaks.
    (@wurli, #4899)

  • geom_density() and stat_density() now support bounds argument
    to estimate density with boundary correction (@echasnovski, #4013).

  • ggplot now checks during statistical transformations whether any data
    columns were dropped and warns about this. If stats intend to drop
    data columns they can declare them in the new field dropped_aes.
    (@clauswilke, #3250)

  • ... supports rlang::list2 dynamic dots in all public functions.
    (@mone27, #4764)

  • theme() now has a strip.clip argument, that can be set to "off" to
    prevent the clipping of strip text and background borders (@teunbrand, #4118)

  • geom_contour() now accepts a function in the breaks argument
    (@eliocamp, #4652).

Minor improvements and bug fixes

  • Fix a bug in position_jitter() where infinity values were dropped (@javlon,

  • geom_linerange() now respects the na.rm argument (#4927, @thomasp85)

  • Improve the support for guide_axis() on coord_trans()
    (@yutannihilation, #3959)

  • Added stat_align() to align data without common x-coordinates prior to
    stacking. This is now the default stat for geom_area() (@thomasp85, #4850)

  • Fix a bug in stat_contour_filled() where break value differences below a
    certain number of digits would cause the computations to fail (@thomasp85,

  • Secondary axis ticks are now positioned more precisely, removing small visual
    artefacts with alignment between grid and ticks (@thomasp85, #3576)

  • Improve stat_function documentation regarding xlim argument.
    (@92amartins, #4474)

  • Fix various issues with how labels, breaks, limits, and show.limits
    interact in the different binning guides (@thomasp85, #4831)

  • Automatic break calculation now squishes the scale limits to the domain
    of the transformation. This allows scale_{x/y}_sqrt() to find breaks at 0
    when appropriate (@teunbrand, #980).

  • Using multiple modified aesthetics correctly will no longer trigger warnings.
    If used incorrectly, the warning will now report the duplicated aesthetic
    instead of NA (@teunbrand, #4707).

  • aes() now supports the !!! operator in its first two arguments
    (#2675). Thanks to @yutannihilation and @teunbrand for draft

  • Require rlang >= 1.0.0 (@billybarc, #4797)

  • geom_violin() no longer issues "collapsing to unique 'x' values" warning
    (@bersbersbers, #4455)

  • annotate() now documents unsupported geoms (geom_abline(), geom_hline()
    and geom_vline()), and warns when they are requested (@mikmart, #4719)

  • presidential dataset now includes Trump's presidency (@bkmgit, #4703).

  • position_stack() now works fully with geom_text() (@thomasp85, #4367)

  • geom_tile() now correctly recognises missing data in xmin, xmax, ymin,
    and ymax (@thomasp85 and @sigmapi, #4495)

  • geom_hex() will now use the binwidth from stat_bin_hex() if present,
    instead of deriving it (@thomasp85, #4580)

  • geom_hex() now works on non-linear coordinate systems (@thomasp85)

  • Fixed a bug throwing errors when trying to render an empty plot with secondary
    axes (@thomasp85, #4509)

  • Axes are now added correctly in facet_wrap() when as.table = FALSE
    (@thomasp85, #4553)

  • Better compatibility of custom device functions in ggsave()
    (@thomasp85, #4539)

  • Binning scales are now more resilient to calculated limits that ends up being
    NaN after transformations (@thomasp85, #4510)

  • Strip padding in facet_grid() is now only in effect if
    strip.placement = "outside" and an axis is present between the strip and
    the panel (@thomasp85, #4610)

  • Aesthetics of length 1 are now recycled to 0 if the length of the data is 0
    (@thomasp85, #4588)

  • Setting size = NA will no longer cause guide_legend() to error
    (@thomasp85, #4559)

  • Setting stroke to NA in geom_point() will no longer impair the sizing of
    the points (@thomasp85, #4624)

  • stat_bin_2d() now correctly recognises the weight aesthetic
    (@thomasp85, #4646)

  • All geoms now have consistent exposure of linejoin and lineend parameters, and
    the guide keys will now respect these settings (@thomasp85, #4653)

  • geom_sf() now respects arrow parameter for lines (@JakeRuss, #4659)

  • Updated documentation for print.ggplot to reflect that it returns
    the original plot, not the result of ggplot_build(). (@r2evans, #4390)

  • scale_*_manual() no longer displays extra legend keys, or changes their
    order, when a named values argument has more items than the data. To display
    all values on the legend instead, use
    scale_*_manual(values = vals, limits = names(vals)). (@teunbrand, @banfai,
    #4511, #4534)

  • Updated documentation for geom_contour() to correctly reflect argument
    precedence between bins and binwidth. (@eliocamp, #4651)

  • Dots in geom_dotplot() are now correctly aligned to the baseline when
    stackratio != 1 and stackdir != "up" (@mjskay, #4614)

  • Key glyphs for geom_boxplot(), geom_crossbar(), geom_pointrange(), and
    geom_linerange() are now orientation-aware (@mjskay, #4732)

  • Updated documentation for geom_smooth() to more clearly describe effects of
    the fullrange parameter (@thoolihan, #4399).

ggplot2 3.3.6

03 May 08:51
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This is a very small release only applying an internal change to comply with
R 4.2 and its deprecation of default.stringsAsFactors(). There are no user
facing changes and no breaking changes.

ggplot2 3.3.5

25 Jun 11:28
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This is a very small release focusing on fixing a couple of untenable issues
that surfaced with the 3.3.4 release

  • Revert changes made in #4434 (apply transform to intercept in geom_abline())
    as it introduced undesirable issues far worse than the bug it fixed
    (@thomasp85, #4514)
  • Fixes an issue in ggsave() when producing emf/wmf files (@yutannihilation,
  • Warn when grDevices specific arguments are passed to ragg devices (@thomasp85,
  • Fix an issue where coord_sf() was reporting that it is non-linear
    even when data is provided in projected coordinates (@clauswilke, #4527)

ggplot2 3.3.4

17 Jun 06:35
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This is a larger patch release fixing a huge number of bugs and introduces a
small selection of feature refinements.


  • Alt-text can now be added to a plot using the alt label, i.e
    + labs(alt = ...). Currently this alt text is not automatically propagated,
    but we plan to integrate into Shiny, RMarkdown, and other tools in the future.
    (@thomasp85, #4477)

  • Add support for the BrailleR package for creating descriptions of the plot
    when rendered (@thomasp85, #4459)

  • coord_sf() now has an argument default_crs that specifies the coordinate
    reference system (CRS) for non-sf layers and scale/coord limits. This argument
    defaults to NULL, which means non-sf layers are assumed to be in projected
    coordinates, as in prior ggplot2 versions. Setting default_crs = sf::st_crs(4326)
    provides a simple way to interpret x and y positions as longitude and latitude,
    regardless of the CRS used by coord_sf(). Authors of extension packages
    implementing stat_sf()-like functionality are encouraged to look at the source
    code of stat_sf()'s compute_group() function to see how to provide scale-limit
    hints to coord_sf() (@clauswilke, #3659).

  • ggsave() now uses ragg to render raster output if ragg is available. It also
    handles custom devices that sets a default unit (e.g. ragg::agg_png)
    correctly (@thomasp85, #4388)

  • ggsave() now returns the saved file location invisibly (#3379, @eliocamp).

  • The scale arguments limits, breaks, minor_breaks, labels, rescaler
    and oob now accept purrr style lambda notation (@teunbrand, #4427). The same
    is true for as_labeller() (and therefore also labeller())
    (@netique, #4188).

  • Manual scales now allow named vectors passed to values to contain fewer
    elements than existing in the data. Elements not present in values will be set
    to NA (@thomasp85, #3451)

  • Date and datetime position scales support out-of-bounds (oob) arguments to
    control how limits affect data outside those limits (@teunbrand, #4199).


  • Fix a bug that after_stat() and after_scale() cannot refer to aesthetics
    if it's specified in the plot-global mapping (@yutannihilation, #4260).

  • Fix bug in annotate_logticks() that would cause an error when used together
    with coord_flip() (@thomasp85, #3954)

  • Fix a bug in geom_abline() that resulted in intercept not being subjected
    to the transformation of the y scale (@thomasp85, #3741)

  • Extent the range of the line created by geom_abline() so that line ending
    is not visible for large linewidths (@thomasp85, #4024)

  • Fix bug in geom_dotplot() where dots would be positioned wrong with
    stackgroups = TRUE (@thomasp85, #1745)

  • Fix calculation of confidence interval for locfit smoothing in geom_smooth()
    (@topepo, #3806)

  • Fix bug in geom_text() where "outward" and "inward" justification for
    some angle values was reversed (@aphalo, #4169, #4447)

  • ggsave() now sets the default background to match the fill value of the
    plot.background theme element (@karawoo, #4057)

  • It is now deprecated to specify guides(<scale> = FALSE) or
    scale_*(guide = FALSE) to remove a guide. Please use
    guides(<scale> = "none") or scale_*(guide = "none") instead
    (@yutannihilation, #4094).

  • Fix a bug in guide_bins() where keys would disappear if the guide was
    reversed (@thomasp85, #4210)

  • Fix bug in guide_coloursteps() that would repeat the terminal bins if the
    breaks coincided with the limits of the scale (@thomasp85, #4019)

  • Make sure that default labels from default mappings doesn't overwrite default
    labels from explicit mappings (@thomasp85, #2406)

  • Fix bug in labeller() where parsing was turned off if .multiline = FALSE
    (@thomasp85, #4084)

  • Make sure label_bquote() has access to the calling environment when
    evaluating the labels (@thomasp85, #4141)

  • Fix a bug in the layer implementation that introduced a new state after the
    first render which could lead to a different look when rendered the second
    time (@thomasp85, #4204)

  • Fix a bug in legend justification where justification was lost of the legend
    dimensions exceeded the available size (@thomasp85, #3635)

  • Fix a bug in position_dodge2() where NA values in thee data would cause an
    error (@thomasp85, #2905)

  • Make sure position_jitter() creates the same jittering independent of
    whether it is called by name or with constructor (@thomasp85, #2507)

  • Fix a bug in position_jitter() where different jitters would be applied to
    different position aesthetics of the same axis (@thomasp85, #2941)

  • Fix a bug in qplot() when supplying c(NA, NA) as axis limits
    (@thomasp85, #4027)

  • Remove cross-inheritance of default discrete colour/fill scales and check the
    type and aesthetic of function output if type is a function
    (@thomasp85, #4149)

  • Fix bug in scale_[x|y]_date() where custom breaks functions that resulted in
    fracional dates would get misaligned (@thomasp85, #3965)

  • Fix bug in scale_[x|y]_datetime() where a specified timezone would be
    ignored by the scale (@thomasp85, #4007)

  • Fix issue in sec_axis() that would throw warnings in the absence of any
    secondary breaks (@thomasp85, #4368)

  • stat_bin()'s computed variable width is now documented (#3522).

  • stat_count() now computes width based on the full dataset instead of per
    group (@thomasp85, #2047)

  • Extended stat_ecdf() to calculate the cdf from either x or y instead from y
    only (@jgjl, #4005)

  • Fix a bug in stat_summary_bin() where one more than the requested number of
    bins would be created (@thomasp85, #3824)

  • Only drop groups in stat_ydensity() when there are fewer than two data
    points and throw a warning (@andrewwbutler, #4111).

  • Fixed a bug in strip assembly when theme has strip.text = element_blank()
    and plots are faceted with multi-layered strips (@teunbrand, #4384).

  • Using theme(aspect.ratio = ...) together with free space in facet_grid()
    now crrectly throws an error (@thomasp85, #3834)

  • Fixed a bug in labeller() so that .default is passed to as_labeller()
    when labellers are specified by naming faceting variables. (@waltersom, #4031)

  • Updated style for example code (@rjake, #4092)

  • ggplot2 now requires R >= 3.3 (#4247).

  • ggplot2 now uses rlang::check_installed() to check if a suggested package is
    installed, which will offer to install the package before continuing (#4375,

  • Improved error with hint when piping a ggplot object into a facet function
    (#4379, @mitchelloharawild).