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This code is from paper "Joint covariate-alignment and concept-alignment: a framework for domain generalization" which is accepted at 2022 IEEE International Workshop on Machine Learning for Signal Processing, Agu. 22--25, 2022, Xi'an, China.

####### A. For CS-CMNIST dataset only!

First, you need to install some package for satisfying all the requirements below:

torch 1.6.0

torchvision 0.7.0

numpy 1.19.1

tqdm 4.41.1

Second, please take a look at the tested algorithms in "". The algorithms are denoted from 1, 2, ..., up to 8 in order of ERM, IRM, IB_ERM, IB_IRM, CEM_CORAL, CEM_MMD, IRM_MMD, and CEM. We have different names for ERM, IRM, IB_ERM algorithms so these algorithms can run together without conflict. However, to keep the same number of hyper-parameters and utilize the existing source code, all algorithms IB_IRM, CEM_CORAL, CEM_MMD, IRM_MMD, and CEM are under the same name of "IBIRM" - because they are very similar, just having a bit of change at the loss function. Please select only one algorithm from five algorithms IB_IRM, CEM_CORAL, CEM_MMD, IRM_MMD, and CEM to run at a time and comment out other ones. In the default code, we are using the CEM_MMD algorithm and commented out IB_IRM, CEM_CORAL, IRM_MMD, and CEM.

Third, please run "" to get the result. "" scans over the algorithms and the hyper-parameters. The setting of hyper-parameters can be found at the end of "". Currently, we commented out the sweeping of ERM, IRM, and IB_ERM while keeping the same sweeping function for IB_IRM, CEM_CORAL, CEM_MMD, IRM_MMD, and CEM. Please select the algorithm you want to sweep and comment out other ones.

In addition, there are some parameters that can be selected in "". For example, --test_val to control the tuning procedures, --env_seed to select the oracle model, --holdout_fraction to control the validation set. For now, we use the default values of 5% data for validation and use the train-validation tuning procedure. You do not need to adjust these parameters.

The checkpoints are not stored, and the final results will be printed after the whole run. Our code is based on this repo at

####### B. For CMNIST dataset only!

First, you need to install some package for satisfying the below requirements:











Second, please download the datasets:

python3 -m --data_dir=./domainbed/data/path

Or just download the dataset directly from this link \url{} and put it in "./domainbed/data/path".

Third, launch a sweep using:

python -m sweep --command launch --data_dir=./domainbed/data/path --output_dir=./domainbed/outputThuan/path --command_launcher local --algorithms IB_IRM --datasets ColoredMNIST --n_hparams 10 --n_trials 2

-> n_trials: number of trials i.e, number of random seeds, for each trial, the algorithm will scan over all the hyper-parameters. --n_hparams: number of hyper-parameter pairs which is randomly picked in a range of (0.1, 10000). --datasets: default by ColoredMNIST, --algorithms: please select one algorithm.

Fourth, after all jobs have either succeeded or failed, you can delete the data from failed jobs with:

python -m sweep --command delete_incomplete --data_dir=./domainbed/data/path --output_dir=./domainbed/outputThuan/path --command_launcher local --algorithms IB_IRM --datasets ColoredMNIST --n_hparams 10 --n_trials 2

and then re-launch them again.

Finally, to view the results of your sweep by:

python -m domainbed.scripts.collect_results --input_dir=/my/sweep/output/path

Note: please take a look at the tested algorithms in "". The algorithms are denoted from 1, 2, ..., up to 8 in order of ERM, IRM, IB_ERM, IB_IRM, CEM, IRM_MMD, CEM_MMD, and CEM_CORAL. We have different names for ERM, IRM, IB_ERM algorithms so these algorithms can run together without conflict. However, to keep the same number of hyper-parameters and utilize the existing source code, all algorithms IB_IRM, CEM, IRM_MMD, CEM_MMD, and CEM_CORAL are under the same name of "IB_IRM" - because they are very similar, just having a bit of change at the loss function. Please select only one algorithm from five algorithms IB_IRM, CEM, IRM_MMD, CEM_MMD, and CEM_CORAL to run at a time and comment out other ones. In the default code, we are using the CEM algorithm and commented out IB_IRM, IRM_MMD, CEM_MMD, and CEM_CORAL.

Our code is based on this repo at


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