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Release 0.14.0

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@martinpengellyphillips martinpengellyphillips released this 09 Apr 18:43

A major refactor to more clearly separate out the core and the builtin
components. The builtin Select and accompanying component interfaces remains
unchanged, but there are backwards incompatible changes to the createSelect


  • Breaking Change Streamline the core and allow greater control in
    components. No longer pass or use element refs in the core, including not
    automatically settign up event handlers. Instead, return commonly useful
    handlers (such as onKeyDown) from createSelect for use in components.

  • Breaking Change Expose signals directly as accessors rather than hiding
    behind property getters in return of createSelect. For example,
    select.options should now be select.options(). This more closely matches
    SolidJS and avoids inconsistency around not being able to set properties

  • Breaking Change Remove helpers (such as open and close) in favour of
    exposing setters (e.g. setIsOpen) consistently from createSelect. This
    provides a more intuitive interface rather than some aspects having helpers
    and others not.

  • Breaking Change Refactor Select components to make use of a shared
    Context providing the created select. Avoid unnecessary prop drilling and
    make it easier to others to compose their own selects (with useSelect).

  • Breaking Change Make createAsyncOptions throttle by default. The fetcher
    will be called every 250ms by default to prevent excessive calls to resources.
    The threshold can be configured or removed by passing a second argument - e.g.
    createAsyncOptions(fetcher, 0) for original behaviour.

  • Hide the input caret with CSS rather than hide the entire input component to
    make some logic easier (such as focus handling).


  • Allow repositioning the cursor on active input text. Previously, attempting to
    do this would clear the input value.