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@thirtythreeforty thirtythreeforty released this 07 Apr 03:20
· 15 commits to master since this release

This release of BullyCPP now automatically updates the list of available serial ports. It also contains improvements to facilitate running from a console on Windows. As the v1.0 release, everything is considered fully functional and feature-complete. Bug reports and feature requests are still welcome, of course.

All users are encouraged to update. Builds for Windows and Mac OS X are provided.

Windows users should download and install BullyCPP-1.0-win32.msi. This installer package includes everything needed to run BullyCPP. The application will appear in the Start menu. Alternatively, if you cannot install an MSI package, you can also download the ZIP archive and manually extract the binaries. You will need the MSVC 2013 (32-bit) redistributable installed if you use the ZIP file; this is handled automatically with the installer package.

Mac users should download BullyCPP-1.0-mac.dmg and mount it. You may run the app directly from the disk image, or optionally drag it to your Applications folder.

Linux users should build BullyCPP from source, because distributions usually provide dynamic libraries of Qt. Please refer to the compilation instructions in It's not difficult to build yourself.