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Google Cloud Platform - Notes

Creating NGINX Server

Following commands are useful for installing nginx server on a virtual machine
apt-get install nginx -y

Check the installation
ps auwx |grep nginx

Output should be like below:

NGINX Server is installed and should be running!

Create a Virtual Machine Instance with GCloud CLI

To create a VM Instance, run:
gcloud compute instances create --machine-type [machine-type] --zone [zone]

e.g: gcloud compute instances create gcelab2 --machine-type n1-standard-2 --zone us-central1-c
Virtaul Machine should be up and running!

Set Default Zone and Machine Type

gcloud config set compute/zone ...

gcloud config set compute/region ...

After this, you don't need to use --zone flag every time

List resources

To list the gcloud resources, use followign commands
gcloud [resource-name] list
e.g: gcloud config list or gcloud compute instaces list

SSH a Virtual Machine

To connect with a VM through SSH, use:
gcloud compute ssh [name-of-vm] --zone [--zone-of-vm]

e.g: gcloud compute ssh gcelab2 --zone us-central1-c

Enter Interactive Mode

gcloud interactive has auto prompting for commands and flags, and displays inline help snippets in the lower section as the command is typed.

Install the beta components
sudo apt-get install google-cloud-sdk Enter Interactive Mode
gcloud beta interactive

Using Google Kubernetes Engine

Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) provides a managed environment for deploying, managing, and scaling your containerized applications using Google infrastructure. The Kubernetes Engine environment consists of multiple machines (specifically Google Compute Engine instances) grouped together to form a container cluster.

Create a Kubernetes Engine Cluster

A cluster consists of at least one cluster master machine and multiple worker machines called nodes. Nodes are Compute Engine virtual machine (VM) instances that run the Kubernetes processes necessary to make them part of the cluster.
To create cluster, run

gcloud container clusters create [cluster-name]

Get Auth Credentials for the Cluster

After creating your cluster, you need to get authentication credentials to interact with the cluster.

gcloud container clusters get-credentials [cluster-name]

Now, cluster is ready to use! You can run Kubernetes

Using Cloud Storage

Google Cloud Storage allows world-wide storage and retrieval of any amount of data at any time. You can use Google Cloud Storage for a range of scenarios including serving website content, storing data for archival and disaster recovery, or distributing large data objects to users via direct download.

Creating Storage Bucket

To create a storage bucket, execute the following commands,
gsutil mb gs://BUKCET-NAME/
This will create a storage bucket!

Upload a file

To upload a file, download the file in temporary instance. For example

wget --output-document ada.jpg

This will download the file in system.

Now, copy file into bucket,
gsutil cp ada.jpg gs://BUCKET-NAME/

This will upload the file on bucket!

Download from Bucket

To download the file from bucket to local system, run
gsutil cp -r gs://BUCKET-NAME/ada.jpg .

This will download the file

Move File to a Folder in Bucket

To create a folder inside a bucket and move a file into it, you can copy the file into folder name using gsutil cp command
gsutil cp gs://YOUR-BUCKET-NAME/ada.jpg gs://YOUR-BUCKET-NAME/image-folder/

Now the image file has been copied into a new folder in your bucket.

List Content of Bucket

Use gsutil ls command to list content of a bucket or a folder inside bucket.
gsutil ls gs://BUCKET-NAME/

It will show output like following:


Managing File Access or Deleting File

Use the gsutil acl ch command to grant all users read permission for the object stored in your bucket:

gsutil acl ch -u AllUsers:R gs://BUCKET-NAME/ada.jpg

Now, the file is available for anyone on internet!

To remove the access,
gsutil acl ch -d AllUsers gs://BUCKET-NAME/ada.jpg

To delete a file,
gsutil rm gs://YOUR-BUCKET-NAME/ada.jpg


Notes taken by learning Google Cloud Platform




