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# procedural-PHP-CMS

we create CMS with php procedural its good for beginners that who will know what really php is and working

actually procedural php is hard way to building webAPP and CMS and dynamic Web sItes But its good for understand what php really is and what this work

Features of this Project is :

    1) CRUD POST and User
    2) We have 2 role for users 
    3) Admin's panel and subscriber's panel is different and each one have different features
    4) we have blog handling system like wordpress
    5) we have comment's system and each user can send comment to our specific posts
    6) each posts have author
    7) we have dynamic category and we can add and remove them
    8) we can add posts subset of each category
    9) we can search engine in our site for searching around Posts
    10) we can add tags for posts 
    11) we can upload specific image for posts
    12) we can add image for each users
    13) we have loading page till our page is loading we see our loading page 
    14) and we have registering  

we have little features for Our subscribers :

    1) add posts (admin can do this too)
    2) remove and delete own posts ( not for another users )
    3) add comments 
    4) add tags for posts 

we have Some features for Our Admin :

    1) Admin can change users role 
    2) Admin can delete all posts and edit all of it 
    3) They can change Comments and Publish or Unpublish it 
    4) They have power for add remove and edit posts 
    5) they can add and remove categories and can add posts for categories
    6) Admin panel have section in index of panel its General situation for site : 
    				6-1) a chart that used google chaty and show Post numbers
    				6-2) this chart includes users comments and categorries situation
    				6-3) we can fast access to categories , users , posts and ... in index panel of admin
    7) in Admin We Can do every things about handle the site Content