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@kirb kirb released this 09 Dec 08:04
· 556 commits to master since this release
  • Switch the deb package builder from dpkg-deb to, a Perl reimplementation of dpkg-deb -b. (Issue #211) has flags compatible with dpkg-deb, so you can also use it directly if needed. Worth noting its default compression format is gzip (dpkg-deb’s has been xz for a long time; previously was gzip). Theos will still manually specify -Zlzma, so packages built via Theos will compress with lzma.
    There is (unfortunately) a binary dependency which provides bindings for liblzma to Perl. If that’s gibberish to you, don’t worry, it’ll be installed when you run make update-theos. The instructions to install it manually while installing Theos from scratch has been added to the Install page. It’s the best compromise I could come up with and I don’t want any pre-built binaries in Theos. If someone has a smarter solution than mine I’d love to discuss it.
  • Adds preliminary support for Swift on Linux.
    The official Swift release for Linux from works for cross-compiling to iOS, macOS, etc. but there are a few patches needed. Will be followed-up in a future Theos release.
  • Guard most of Prefix.pch in !defined(THEOS_LEAN_AND_MEAN).
    You can define this with ADDITIONAL_CFLAGS += -DTHEOS_LEAN_AND_MEAN or similar if you don’t want the majority of what’s in Prefix.pch to be imported, including the implicit importing of Foundation and UIKit. These really shouldn’t have ever been added to Prefix.pch, but they can’t be removed without breaking projects. Consider using this in your own projects.