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Variant store connector for TranSMART

Spring Boot application that serves as a TranSMART REST API proxy, using a Variant Store to query for patients linked to variants. See below for instructions on running the proxy server.

Configure Keycloak and TranSMART connection

The transmart-proxy-server uses Keycloak as an identity provider. The following settings need to be configured before running the application.

Property Description
keycloak.auth-server-url Keycloak url, e.g,
keycloak.realm Keycloak realm.
keycloak.resource Keycloak client id.
transmart-client.transmart-server-url The TranSMART server url, e.g.,
variant-store-client.variant-store-url The variant store url, e.g.,

See application-dev.yml for example configuration.


Make sure you have Java 11 and Maven installed.

From a Nexus repository

Deployment artefacts are published to the Nexus repository of The Hyve.

To fetch and run transmart-variant-store-connector-0.0.3.jar:

# Fetch artefact from Maven
curl -f -L -o transmart-variant-store-connector-0.0.3.jar && \
# Run it with:
java -jar -Dspring.config.location=classpath:config/application.yml,/path/to/config.yml target/transmart-variant-store-connector-0.0.3.jar
From sources
# create a jar package
mvn clean package

There should now be a .jar-file in target/transmart-variant-store-connector-0.0.3.jar.

# run the packaged application
java -jar -Dspring.config.location=classpath:config/application.yml,/path/to/config.yml target/transmart-variant-store-connector-0.0.3.jar

There should now be an application running at http://localhost:9060/.


The application serves a REST API, documentation is available as the default page of the application: http://localhost:9060/.


Use theAuthorize button to authenticate. A token can be obtained from Keycloak:

curl "${KEYCLOAK_SERVER_URL}/auth/realms/${KEYCLOAK_REALM}/protocol/openid-connect/token" \
  -d "client_id=${KEYCLOAK_CLIENT_ID}" \
  -d "username=${KEYCLOAK_USERNAME}" \
  -d "password=${KEYCLOAK_PASSWORD}" \
  -d 'grant_type=password'

Use the value of the access_token field in the response as API key in the authorization dialog. N.B.: the access token typically expires quite soon.

You may consider to use the TranSMART API client for Python to interactively query the API. The API client uses offline token to obtain an access token automatically. The client converts responses to Pandas data frames.


Constraints are passed to the API server in JSON format.

To select all data in TranSMART:

{"constraint": {"type": "true"}}

To obtain counts for a constraint in example.json:

curl -v -H "Authorization: Bearer ${ACCESS_TOKEN}" -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '@example.json' http://localhost:9060/v2/observations/counts

Example of a variant query that could be used in the /v2/observations endpoint of the variant store connector:

{"type": "clinical", "constraint": {"type": "biomarker", "biomarkerType":"variant", "params": {"chromosome": "11"}}}

This selects patients for which there are variants in the database for chromosome 11 (in practice this selects all patients)

An example of a combination query:

{"type": "clinical", "constraint": {"type": "and", "args": [
    {"type": "subselection", "dimension": "patient", "constraint": {"type": "biomarker", "biomarkerType":"variant", "params": {"chromosome": "11"}}},
    {"type": "subselection", "dimension": "patient", "constraint": {"type": "and", "args": [
        {"type": "concept", "conceptCode": "Patient.gender"},
        {"type": "value", "valueType": "string", "operator": "=", "value": "male"}

This selects patients with value male for the Patient.gender concept (all male subjects) for which there is variant data for chromosome 11.

Error handling in the variant store connector is currently very basic: any issue (e.g., concept does not exist or connection with variant store), results in 500 Internal Server Error.


Run in development mode

# run the application in development mode
mvn spring-boot:run


# install the package locally
mvn clean install


Run all tests:

mvn test


This project was funded by the German Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) as part of the project DIFUTURE - Data Integration for Future Medicine within the German Medical Informatics Initiative (grant no. 01ZZ1804D).


Copyright (c) 2019 The Hyve B.V.

The Variant store connector for TranSMART is licensed under the MIT License. See the file LICENSE.


Variant store connector for the TranSMART API








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