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⚠️ This repository is not maintained anymore. For an up to date Dockerized version of cBioPortal, check:

cbioportal-docker @ The Hyve

The cBioPortal project documents a setup to deploy a cBioPortal server using Docker, in this section of the documentation. As cBioPortal traditionally did not distinguish between build-time and deploy-time configuration, the setup documented there builds the application at runtime, and suggests running auxiliary commands in the same container as the webserver. The above approach may sacrifice a few advantages of using Docker by going against some of its idioms. For this reason, the project you are currently looking at documents an alternative setup, which builds a ready-to-run cBioPortal application into a Docker image.

To get started, download and install Docker from

Notes for non-Linux systems

Usage instructions

Step 1 - Setup network

Create a network in order for the cBioPortal container and mysql database to communicate.

docker network create cbio-net

Step 2 - Run mysql with seed database

Start a MySQL server. The command below stores the database in a folder named /<path_to_save_mysql_db>/db_files/. This should be an absolute path.

docker run -d --restart=always \
  --name=cbioDB \
  --net=cbio-net \
  -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD='P@ssword1' \
  -e MYSQL_USER=cbio \
  -e MYSQL_PASSWORD='P@ssword1' \
  -e MYSQL_DATABASE=cbioportal \
  -v /<path_to_save_mysql_db>/db_files/:/var/lib/mysql/ \

Download the seed database from the cBioPortal Datahub, and use the command below to upload the seed data to the server started above.

Make sure to replace /<path_to_seed_database>/seed-cbioportal_<genome_build>_<seed_version>.sql.gz with the path and name of the downloaded seed database. Again, this should be an absolute path.

docker run \
  --name=load-seeddb \
  --net=cbio-net \
  -e MYSQL_USER=cbio \
  -e MYSQL_PASSWORD='P@ssword1' \
  -v /<path_to_seed_database>/cgds.sql:/mnt/cgds.sql:ro \
  -v /<path_to_seed_database>/seed-cbioportal_<genome_build>_<seed_version>.sql.gz:/mnt/seed.sql.gz:ro \
  mysql:5.7 \
  sh -c 'cat /mnt/cgds.sql | mysql -hcbioDB -u"$MYSQL_USER" -p"$MYSQL_PASSWORD" cbioportal \
      && zcat /mnt/seed.sql.gz |  mysql -hcbioDB -u"$MYSQL_USER" -p"$MYSQL_PASSWORD" cbioportal'

Follow the logs of this step to ensure that no errors occur. If any error occurs, make sure to check it. A common cause is pointing the -v parameters above to folders or files that do not exist.

Step 3 - Build the Docker image containing cBioPortal

Run the command below to build the latest version.

docker build -t cbioportal-image

If you want to build an image based on a different branch, you can read this.

Step 4 - Update the database schema

Obtain the configuration file for the Docker setup from this repository.

Update the seeded database schema to match the cBioPortal version in the image, by running the following command. Note that this will most likely make your database irreversibly incompatible with older versions of the portal code.

docker run --rm -it --net cbio-net \
    -v /<path_to_config_file>/ \
    cbioportal-image \ -p /cbioportal/ -s /cbioportal/db-scripts/src/main/resources/migration.sql

Step 5 - Run Session Service containers

First, create the mongoDB database:

docker run -d --name=mongoDB --net=cbio-net \
    -e MONGO_INITDB_DATABASE=session_service \

Finally, create a container for the Session Service, adding the link to the mongoDB database using

docker run -d --name=cbio-session-service --net=cbio-net \
    -e JAVA_OPTS="" \

Step 6 - Run the cBioPortal web server

Add any cBioPortal configuration in as appropriate—see the documentation on the main properties and the skin properties. Then start the web server as follows.

docker run -d --restart=always \
    --name=cbioportal-container \
    --net=cbio-net \
    -v /<path_to_config_file>/ \
    -e CATALINA_OPTS='-Xms2g -Xmx4g' \
    -p 8081:8080 \

On server systems that can easily spare 4 GiB or more of memory, set the -Xms and -Xmx options to the same number. This should increase performance of certain memory-intensive web services such as computing the data for the co-expression tab. If you are using MacOS or Windows, make sure to take a look at these notes to allocate more memory for the virtual machine in which all Docker processes are running.

cBioPortal can now be reached at http://localhost:8081/cbioportal/

Activity of Docker containers can be seen with:

docker ps -a

Data loading & more commands

For more uses of the cBioPortal image, see this file

To build images from development source rather than stable releases or snapshots, see

To Dockerize a Keycloak authentication service alongside cBioPortal, see this file.

Uninstalling cBioPortal

First we stop the Docker containers.

docker stop cbioDB
docker stop cbioportal-container

Then we remove the Docker containers.

docker rm cbioDB
docker rm cbioportal-container

Cached Docker images can be seen with:

docker images

Finally we remove the cached Docker images.

docker rmi mysql:5.7
docker rmi cbioportal-image