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Releases: theParadox42/EFE-Web

v1.0 Beta

19 Aug 19:54
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v1.0 Beta Pre-release

This is the first beta release of this game. It is finished, just a few bugs that need working out!

v1.0 Alpha 2

19 May 20:35
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v1.0 Alpha 2 Pre-release

Another alpha release, still stable, loading 90% working, still some problems loading on mobile devices, mobile controls added in that only appear on mobile, working well, about maybe 30% done on gameplay, 10% on cutscenes, and 40% on art, depending on how much is needed for cutscenes.

v1.0 Alpha

14 May 03:00
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v1.0 Alpha Pre-release

First release, stable, but not much to see