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Releases: tessel/t2-firmware


18 Jul 14:56
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Commit Message/Description
46f5216 v0.3.0
7912f03 chore(travis.yml): add Node 8, remove Node 5


18 Jul 14:41
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Commit Message/Description
0d08218 v0.2.0
dad0741 package.json: Remove erroneous extra line
b7b1933 Make codes more readable.
0f687a1 Added isApEnabled command to test.
fa4bd4b Fixed wrong password wifi connect event.
3064ec2 Able to scan at AP mode
45a1395 Fix lint issue
c6fa7d2 Gruntfile: add "changelog" task


20 Jun 13:38
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Commit Message/Description
a22ba2d v0.1.0
3ac47dc Final nits
32c4349 migration: minor refactorings
54e2112 modernize: update library code (passes tests)
ca6b05a modernize: update test code (ensure still passing)
6311c12 Tessel.Port: ensure that bus protocol interface wrappers are constructors


20 Jun 13:47
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Commit Message/Description
d3d37e5 test(Tessel.AP): cover methods and helpers
4c37d5a test(Tessel.Wifi): cover methods and helpers
f2e8ff7 Coverage: increased to 94.44% (#231)
356de3a Tests: update sinon.stub calls to new API
a8486be Package.json: update dev deps
7d180be Nitpicking/clean-up deps (#229)
21a2727 Remove explicit exclusion from nycrc (Gruntfile.js)
29364e6 Add .nycrc
c4adb96 Adds nyc + coveralls
d77e9b0 Change all inline no-ops to use shared no-op function object (#228)
cd4e565 Make all calls to Tessel.LED.prototype.write() pass 1 or 0 as an argument. Fixes gh-221
170a228 refactor(node): update variable name
28f170b Get correct address from wifi connection data (#220)


21 Sep 19:45
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0.0.16 Pre-release


21 Sep 18:51
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0.0.15 Pre-release
Commit Message/Description
fe9165c fix(wifi.connect): checks for encryption object (#216)
a37b19c Implements Tessel.prototype.reboot(). Closes gh-188 (#202)
3adb56f create script to test REQ_RESET usb command
ca6479b add REQ_RESET usb command
695d18f Fix order of mux and extint set
4949f21 configure & enable interrupt reset button
836d714 treat CPU reset as POR


02 Sep 21:45
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0.0.14 Pre-release
Commit Message/Description
45250d8 Avoid bridge state corruption when the SoC polls too fast
120ad3c Fix race condition in DMA
fc59f05 Avoid race condition when clearing USB interrupt flag
488a620 Fix boot LED animation
663feb0 Fix interrupt priorities
1d1fd48 port i2c: Use the correct interrupts and handle errors
6b83ba7 Ensure alignment of buffers used for USB
a19f512 Set RAM size to 32KB in linker script for SAMD21G18A
f00d419 Fix pervasive off-by-one error in bridge packet size.
0351bf7 port: Add comments
2f734e8 Fix badly-named function
d8e7b2b port: factor out platform-specific functions
1d3e139 Tessel.Port: allow intentional port closing and opening. (#201)
0c12fd8 fix(wifi): remove setImmediate, add Bcast regex
2adb9ab Tests: adds test for Tessel.prototype.close
91a540c fix(wifi): recursively check for an availanle IP
86cabc6 fix(wifi): getWifiInfo in enable/reset
e295b3e test(wifi): adds setup to enable/reset
c4848ee Adds CoC
29067d8 test(wifi): resolve connection IP to usable value
24be7f7 fix(wifi): resolve connection IP to usable value
1b0699e test(wifi): fetch connection from system, normalize security value
4365bbd feat(wifi): fetch connection from system, normalize security value
3adca39 chore(package): adds npm test script
dc54616 Add lower value test for .analogRead(). (#187)
7b0d6ae Tessel.Pin: tests for analogRead (upper value)
ab94b62 Update analog read write range (#184)
3845746 Fixes indentations in firmware/port.c
12e0b04 Changed test values.
b6e29ce Adds a test for emitting UART data as a buffer
d22e0a0 Fixes #176: read buffer instead string.


12 May 21:52
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0.0.13 Pre-release
Commit Message/Description
de4f613 Adds extended WinUSB descriptor.
9dd0ef3 emit 'rise' and 'fall' events along with 'change' event (#168)
2e4ad5c I2C: Allow setting the frequency at initialization
5d14955 ci: add node.js 6
c438c98 ci: add node.js 5
782282c I2C: Fixes to fixes in tests. Yep.
dba09ad I2C: Fixes addresses in tests
37e419a Tests supporting gh-71
08f0959 fixes #71
7908ae1 Adds basic instructions for compiling soc scripts
582cbe3 Make Windows auto-install WinUSB driver.


20 Apr 02:29
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0.0.12 Pre-release
Commit Message/Description
74ce7cb feat(tessel): adds 'enable','disable' access point events
bfd17a8 test(tessel): adds 'enable','disable' access point events
70e49f4 test(access-point): initial coverage
9b94896 feat(access-point): adds reset, create methods (WIP)
1512522 feat(access-point): adds Tessel access point API (WIP)
fe05842 Interrupts: deliver the state of the pin for change events. Closes gh-152
04a5a8d Adds PWM capabilities and tests
630da70 RangeError: apply where appropriate
28ca7f7 UART: more cleanups and tests
b9b48f4 UART: match t1 firmware API (and t2 firmware I2C)
8908b1c I2C: cleanup properties (match t1's UART api), enforce appropriate frequencies
663c9ff I2C: corrections to frequency to match reality.
5729688 Use RangeError where appropriate. Fixes gh-156


17 Feb 01:32
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0.0.11 Pre-release
Commit Message/Description
eab49ec Pulling line high first allows for consistent rebooting
afa8445 releases interface and attempts to reboot after update
fe0a2b9 Allows breathing animation to be cancelled before flashing
06c2bd2 Allows for a transfer request to determine boot state