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This project still not functional. Please wait for the first functional release (0.0.1)

The Tern REST API is a RESTful API for Tern Project.

Currently, the API is not functional as it is still in the Specification development and project structure phase.

The specification is available at Tern REST API Offline Swagger, and contributions are welcome.

Mainly the API is implemented asynchronously on the server-side as the tern reports can take a while to be generated.

    participant User
    participant API
    participant Tern
    User->>API: GET /api/v1/version
    API-->>User: 200 OK, JSON with version data
    User->>API: POST /api/v1/reports with JSON payload
    API-->>User: 200 OK, JSON with request id
    User->>API: POST /api/v1/reports/status with JSON payload
    API-->>User: 200 OK, JSON with status RUNNING
    API->>Tern: Process the request calling asynchronous
    Tern->>Tern: Processing
    User->>API: POST /api/v1/reports/status with JSON payload
    Tern->>Tern: Processing
    API-->>User: 200 OK, JSON with status RUNNING or UNKOWN
    Tern->>API: Provides the answer for the id
    User->>API: POST /api/v1/reports/status with JSON payload
    API-->>User: 200 OK, JSON with status FAILED with error or DONE with report


This repository has the requirements.txt and the requirements-dev.txt files to help build your virtual environment.

We also recommend using Pipenv to manage your virtual environment.

$ Pip install pipenv
$ pipenv shell

Install development requirements

$ pipenv install -d

Running the development Tern REST API

Runing the API locally

$ flask run --reload

Open http://localhost:5000/ in your browser.


We use Tox to manage running the tests.

Running tests

$ tox

Managing the requirements

Installing new requirements

$ pipenv install {package}

Development requirements

$ pipenv install -d {package}

Updating packages

$ pipenv update

Updating the requirements.txt and requirements-dev.txt

$ pipenv lock -r > requirements.txt
$ pipenv lock -r -d > requirements-dev.txt


No releases published


No packages published
