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Releases: tensorflow/probability

TensorFlow Probability 0.24.0

12 Mar 19:43
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Release notes

This is the 0.24.0 release of TensorFlow Probability. It is tested and stable against TensorFlow 2.16.1 and JAX 0.4.25 .

NOTE: In TensorFlow 2.16+, tf.keras (and tf.initializers, tf.losses, and tf.optimizers) refers to Keras 3. TensorFlow Probability is not compatible with Keras 3 -- instead TFP is continuing to use Keras 2, which is now packaged as tf-keras and tf-keras-nightly and is imported as tf_keras. When using TensorFlow Probability with TensorFlow, you must explicitly install Keras 2 along with TensorFlow (or install tensorflow-probability[tf] or tfp-nightly[tf] to automatically install these dependencies.)

Change notes

Huge thanks to all the contributors to this release!

  • Alessandro Slamitz
  • Christopher Suter
  • Colin Carroll
  • Emily Fertig
  • Gareth Williams
  • Jacob Burnim
  • Jake VanderPlas
  • Matthew Feickert
  • Pavel Sountsov
  • Richard Levasseur
  • Srinivas Vasudevan
  • Thomas Colthurst
  • Urs Köster

TensorFlow Probability 0.23

20 Nov 23:32
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Release notes

This is the 0.23.0 release of TensorFlow Probability. It is tested and stable against TensorFlow 2.15.0 and JAX 0.4.20 .

Change notes

[coming soon]

Huge thanks to all the contributors to this release!

  • Christopher Suter
  • Colin Carroll
  • Jacob Burnim
  • Juan Martinez
  • Sergei Lebedev
  • Sophia Gu
  • Srinivas Vasudevan

TensorFlow Probability 0.22.1

23 Oct 16:37
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Release notes

This is the 0.22.1 release of TensorFlow Probability. It is tested and stable against TensorFlow 2.14.0 and JAX 0.4.16 and 0.4.19 .

Change notes

See the release note for TFP 0.22.0 at .

Fixes some NumPy deprecation warnings by no longer casting size-1 arrays to ints.

Dependency typing_extensions is no longer pinned to <4.6.0.

Support for Python 3.8 has been removed starting with TensorFlow Probability 0.22.0.

Huge thanks to all the contributors to this release!

  • Brian Patton
  • Colin Carroll
  • Du Phan
  • Emily Fertig
  • Fiona Lang
  • Frederik Gossen
  • Gabriel Rasskin
  • Haotian Chen
  • Jacob Burnim
  • Jake VanderPlas
  • Mark McDonald
  • Oskar Fernlund
  • Pavel Sountsov
  • Richard Levasseur
  • Salman Faroz
  • Sergei Lebedev
  • Srinivas Vasudevan
  • Thomas Colthurst
  • Urs Köster
  • Yu Feng

TensorFlow Probability 0.22.0

02 Oct 16:03
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Release notes

This is the 0.22 release of TensorFlow Probability. It is tested and stable against TensorFlow 2.14.0 and JAX 0.4.16 .

Change notes

Support for Python 3.8 has been removed starting with TensorFlow Probability 0.22.0.

[Coming soon.]

Huge thanks to all the contributors to this release!

  • Brian Patton
  • Colin Carroll
  • Du Phan
  • Emily Fertig
  • Fiona Lang
  • Frederik Gossen
  • Gabriel Rasskin
  • Haotian Chen
  • Jacob Burnim
  • Jake VanderPlas
  • Mark McDonald
  • Oskar Fernlund
  • Pavel Sountsov
  • Richard Levasseur
  • Salman Faroz
  • Srinivas Vasudevan
  • Thomas Colthurst
  • Urs Köster
  • Yu Feng

TensorFlow Probability 0.21.0

04 Aug 17:50
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Release notes

This is the 0.21.0 release of TensorFlow Probability. It is tested and stable against TensorFlow version 2.13 and JAX 0.4.14 .

Change notes

[no major changes]

Huge thanks to all the contributors to this release!

  • bjp
  • chansoo
  • colcarroll
  • emilyaf
  • feyu
  • flang
  • Jacob Burnim
  • jburnim
  • jcater
  • juanantoniomc
  • Matthew Feickert
  • oskarfernlund
  • phawkins
  • schwartzedward
  • siege
  • Srinivas Vasudevan
  • ursk

TensorFlow Probability 0.20.0

08 May 20:13
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Release notes

This is the 0.20 release of TensorFlow Probability. It is
tested and stable against TensorFlow version 2.12 and JAX 0.4.8 .

Change notes

  • Add LinearOperatorBasis and LinearOperatorRowBlock.
  • Ensure Dirichlet and RelaxedOneHotCategorical transform correctly under bijectors.
  • Add SphericalSpace and use in all Spherical Distributions
  • Add GeneralSpace.transform_general
  • Fix guitar numpy rewrite_equivalence_test.
  • BREAKING CHANGE: Ignore deprecated always_yield_multivariante_normal arg to tfd.GaussianProcess and tfd.GaussianProcessRegressionModel so that event shape is always [1] for a single index point.
  • Create a bayesopt submodule of TFP experimental and add acquisition functions.
  • Add the FeatureScaledWithCategorical kernel, a PSD kernel over structures of continuous and categorical data, to TFP experimental.
  • [BREAKING] Remove deprecated arg BDF.use_pfor_to_compute_jacobian.

Huge thanks to all the contributors to this release!

  • ashishenoy
  • atondwal
  • bjp
  • Christopher Suter
  • colcarroll
  • Colin Carroll
  • emilyaf
  • fdtomasi
  • flang
  • Jacob Burnim
  • jburnim
  • jcater
  • juanantoniomc
  • langmore
  • Leandro Campos
  • leben
  • Matthew Feickert
  • mmladenov
  • nkovela
  • Pavel Sountsov
  • phandu
  • phawkins
  • power
  • S. Amin
  • siege
  • Srinivas Vasudevan
  • synandi
  • thomaswc
  • Tirumalesh
  • ujaved
  • ursk

TensorFlow Probability 0.19.0

06 Dec 22:34
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Release notes

This is the 0.19.0 release of TensorFlow Probability. It is tested and stable against TensorFlow version 2.11 and JAX 0.3.25 .

Change notes

  • Bijectors

    • Added UnitVector bijector to map to the unit sphere.
  • Distributions

    • Added noncentral Chi2 distribution to TFP.
    • Added differentiable quantile and cdf function approximation to NC2 distribution.
    • Added quantiles to Student-T, Beta and SigmoidBeta, with efficient
      implementations for Student-T quantile/cdf.
    • Allow structured index points to GaussianProcess* classes.
    • Improved efficiency of GaussianProcess* gradients through custom gradients
      on log_prob.
  • Linear Algebra

    • Added functions (with custom gradients) to handle Hermitian Symmetric Positive-definite matrices:
      • tfp.math.hspd_logdet
      • tfp.math.hpsd_quadratic_form_solve and tfp.math.hpsd_quadratic_form_solvevec
      • tfp.math.hpsd_solve and tfp.math.hpsd_solvevec
  • Optimizer

    • BUGFIX: Prevent Hager-Zhang linesearch from terminating early.
  • PSD Kernels

    • Added support for structured inputs in PSD Kernel.
  • STS

    • Added seasonality support to STS Gibbs Sampler.
  • Other

    • BUGFIX: Allow jnp.bfloat16 arrays to be correctly recognized as floats.

Huge thanks to all the contributors to this release!

  • Brian Patton
  • Chen Qian
  • Christopher Suter
  • Colin Carrol
  • Emily Fertig
  • Francois Chollet
  • Ian Langmore
  • Jacob Burnim
  • Jonas Eschle
  • Kyle Loveless
  • Leandro Campos
  • Du Phan
  • Pavel Sountsov
  • Sebastian Nowozin
  • Srinivas Vasudevan
  • Thomas Colthurst
  • Umer Javed
  • Urs Koster
  • Yash Katariya

TensorFlow Probability 0.18.0

12 Sep 15:46
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Release notes

This is the 0.18.0 release of TensorFlow Probability. It is tested and stable against TensorFlow version 2.10 and JAX 0.3.17 .

Change notes

[coming soon]

Huge thanks to all the contributors to this release!

[coming soon]

TensorFlow Probability 0.17.0

07 Jun 18:01
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Release notes

This is the 0.17.0 release of TensorFlow Probability. It is tested and stable against TensorFlow version 2.9.1 and JAX 0.3.13 .

Change notes

  • Distributions

    • Discrete distributions transform correctly when a bijector is applied.
    • Fix bug in Taylor approximation of log-normalizing constant for the
    • Add TwoPieceNormal distribution and reparameterize it's samples.
    • Make IncrementLogProb a proper tfd.Distribution.
    • Add quantiles to Empirical distribution.
    • Add tfp.experimental.distributions.MultiTaskGaussianProcessRegressionModel
    • Improve efficiency of MultiTaskGaussian Processes in the presence of
      observation noise: Reduce complexity from O((NT)^3) to O(N^3 + T^3) where N
      is the number of data points and T is the number of tasks.
    • Improve efficiency of VariationalGaussianProcess.
    • Add tfd.LognNormal.experimental_from_mean_variance.
  • Bijectors

    • Fix Softfloor bijector to act as the identity at high temperature, and floor
      at low temperature.
    • Remove tfb.Ordered bijector and finite_nondiscrete flags in Distributions.
  • Math

    • Add tfp.math.betainc and gradients with respect to all parameters.
  • STS

    • Several bug fixes and performance improvements to
      tfp.experimental.sts_gibbs for Gibbs sampling Bayesian structural time
      series models with sparse linear regression.
    • Enable tfp.experimental.sts_gibbs under JAX
  • Experimental

    • Ensemble Kalman filter is now efficient in the case of ensemble size << observation size and an "easy to invert" modeled observation covariance.
    • Add a perturbed_observations option to
    • Add Experimental support for custom JAX PRNGs.
  • Other

    • Add assertAllMeansClose to tfp.TestCase for testing sampling code.

Huge thanks to all the contributors to this release!

  • Adam Sorrenti
  • Alexey Radul
  • Christopher Suter
  • Colin Carroll
  • Du Phan
  • Emily Fertig
  • Fabien Hertschuh
  • Faizan Muhammad
  • Francois Chollet
  • Ian Langmore
  • Jacob Burnim
  • Jake VanderPlas
  • Kathy Wu
  • Kristian Hartikainen
  • Kyle Loveless
  • Leandro Campos
  • Xinle Sheila Liu
  • ltsaprounis
  • Matt Hoffman
  • Manas Mohanty
  • Max Jiang
  • Pavel Sountsov
  • Peter Hawkins
  • Praveen Narayan
  • Renu Patel
  • Ryan Russell
  • Scott Zhu
  • Sergey Lebedev
  • Sharad Vikram
  • Srinivas Vasudevan
  • tagoma
  • Urs Koster
  • Vaidotas Simkus
  • Vishnuvardhan Janapati
  • Yilei Yang

TensorFlow Probability 0.16.0

14 Feb 17:24
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Release notes

This is the 0.16.0 release of TensorFlow Probability. It is tested and stable against TensorFlow version 2.8.0 and JAX 0.3.0 .

Change notes

[coming soon]

Huge thanks to all the contributors to this release!

  • Alexey Radul
  • Ben Lee
  • Billy Lamberta
  • Brian Patton
  • Chansoo Lee
  • Christopher Suter
  • Colin Carroll
  • Dave Moore
  • Du Phan
  • Emily Fertig
  • François Chollet
  • Gianluigi Silvestri
  • Jacob Burnim
  • Jake Taylor
  • Junpeng Lao
  • Matthew Johnson
  • Michael Weiss
  • Pavel Sountsov
  • Peter Hawkins
  • Rebecca Chen
  • Sharad Vikram
  • Soo Sung
  • Srinivas Vasudevan
  • Urs Köster