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Using aiortc and OpenCV to develop a server and a client to transport continuous 2D images by TCP Socket Signaling and media stream track.


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WebRTC Object Detection By OpenCV

Demo Video


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  1. Make a server python program that runs from the command line(python3
  2. Make a client python program that runs from thecommand line(python3
  3. Using aiortc built-in TcpSocketSignaling:
    • The server should create an aiortc offer and send to client
    • The client should receive the offer and create an aiortc answer
  4. The server should generate a continuous 2D image of a ball bouncing across the screen.
  5. The server should transmit these images to the client via aiortc using frame transport(extend aiortc.MediaStreamTrack)
  6. The client should display the received images using opencv
  7. The client should start a new multiprocessing.Process(process_a)
  8. The client should send the received frame to this process_a using a multiprocessing.Queue
  9. The client process_a should parse the image and determine the current location of the ball as x,y coordinates.
  10. The client process_a should store the computed x,y coordinate as a multiprocessing.Value.
  11. The client should open an aiortc data channel to the server and send each x,y coordinate to the server. These coordinates are from process_a but sent to server from client main thread.
  12. The server program should display the received coordinates and compute the error to the actual location of the ball.
  13. Document all code using python docstrings.
  14. Write unit tests for all functions which will be executed by pytest(pytest
  15. Include a README file.
  16. Include a screen capture(mp4, mkv, avi, etc.) of your application in action.
  17. Compress the project directory and include your name in the filename.
  18. Docker and Kubernetes:
    • Make a docker container for the server
    • Make a docker container for the client
    • Use minikube to create deployment of server and client.


  • Using aiortc built-in TCPSocketSignaling to setup server and client

  • The Server generates continuous 2D bouncing ball images

  • The Server transports these images by MediaStreamTrack

  • The Client receives images on the socket

  • The Client displays the images by opencv

  • The Client starts a new process to handle the recognition task

  • The Client transports data between process using Queue, Value in multiprocessing

  • The Client parses the image and gets the position of the bouncing ball Using opencv

  • The Client transports predicted position to the server using data channel.

  • The Server print the received coordinates and compute the error to the actual position

  • Docstrings

  • Pytest

  • Demo Video

  • Build Docker Image

  • Run different docker container with env ROLE

Dependency Manager


install pipenv

pip install pipenv

pipenv install

Install all dependencies for your python project.

pipenv install

Or install a specific dep

pipenv install pytest

pipenv run

In specific env to run your python file with deps.

# launch the server first
pipenv run python
pipenv run python

Launch without Pipenv

In Pipfile, there are all deps and python version. You can install them by yourself so that you don't need pipenv to run.

pip install numpy aiortc opencv-python pytest


  • module file
  • entry of the client
  • entry of the server
  • draw a ball as VideoStreamTrack
  • print tool
  • using opencv to display track
  • using opencv to get position of the ball
  • just a test file to draw a bouncing ball
  • test file
  • Dockerfile: docker file to build docker image
  • dockerFile.tgz: compressed file to build docker image
  • Pipfile: deps file generated by pipenv
  • Pipfile.lock: deps lock file generated by pipenv
  • start up file for docker container
  • tests/ : pytest files in this folder
  • images: some images using in README
  • demo.mp4: demo video

Run Pytest

pipenv run pytest



Compress files to load

tar -czf dockerFiles.tgz WebRTCObjectDetection

Build Docker Image

docker build -t taskServer:v1 .

Run Docker Container

Launch a container as the Server

docker run -d --name task_server -e ROLE="server" -p 8080:8080 -it taskServer:v1 bash

Launch a container as the Client

docker run --name task_client -e ROLE="client" -p 8080:8080 -it taskServer:v1 bash

Attach a container

docker attach [dockerid]


Using aiortc and OpenCV to develop a server and a client to transport continuous 2D images by TCP Socket Signaling and media stream track.







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