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GitHub Doctor creates SSH keys and uploads them to your account


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GitHub Doctor

GitHub Doctor creates SSH keys and uploads them to your account. It can also rotate existing keys.

Commands are idempotent and can be re-run. This makes GitHub Doctor easy to use in scripts and useful for repairing misconfigurations.


Using homebrew:

 brew install tekumara/tap/gh-doctor

As a GitHub CLI extension:

gh extension install tekumara/gh-doctor


To ensure SSH is working, creating a new key if needed:

gh-doctor ssh

Or via the GitHub CLI extension:

gh doctor ssh

On a fresh machine this:

  1. Fetches an OAuth token for the gh-doctor OAuth app. Opens a browser window to authenticate. This token is used once and and not stored anywhere.
  2. Creates a new SSH key and configures your SSH config.
  3. Uploads the key to your account.

Example on a machine called beebop:

❯ gh-doctor ssh
ℹ Removing existing identities from SSH agent.
Please complete authentication in your browser...
✓ Authenticated to as tekumara using token
Creating key file /Users/tekumara/.ssh/
Please specify a passphrase!
Enter passphrase (empty for no passphrase):
Enter same passphrase again:
Generating public/private ed25519 key pair.
Your identification has been saved in /Users/tekumara/.ssh/
Your public key has been saved in /Users/tekumara/.ssh/
The key fingerprint is:
SHA256:F9pcXNW/NPP4tSATn2hxuPVr5Tx5LjrWKiCU86XugK8 (beebop)
The key's randomart image is:
+--[ED25519 256]--+
|              ..o|
|           . .  .|
|       .  . +   .|
|      +  +.* o +.|
|     . oSo+ O +.=|
|     .. +. * +.o+|
|    . .o .. o..+*|
|     . .. . o o*=|
|    E....  oo+.o+|

✓ Key (beebop) added to github user
✓ Added Host to ~/.ssh/config
ℹ Server accepts key: /Users/tekumara/.ssh/ ED25519 SHA256:F9pcXNW/NPP4tSATn2hxuPVr5Tx5LjrWKiCU86XugK8 explicit
✓ Authenticated to as tekumara using ssh

Run again to verify the SSH key. Because the key exists it will be verified rather than creating a new key. To rotate an existing key use the -r flag.


❯ gh-doctor ssh --help
Ensure ssh works.

Verify ssh and if needed:
 * Fetch a token using the gh-doctor OAuth app with scope to create SSH keys.
   This token is used once and not stored anywhere.
 * Create a private ssh key file.
 * Add the GitHub host to ~/.ssh/config.
 * Upload the ssh key to your GitHub user account.

Example entry added to ~/.ssh/config:

  AddKeysToAgent yes
  UseKeychain yes
  IdentityFile ~/.ssh/

During verification any SSH agent identities are removed in case incorrect keys were loaded.

  gh-doctor ssh [flags]

  -g, --ghtoken           Use GH_TOKEN env var then GitHub CLI for token. Useful for GHES hosts without the gh-doctor OAuth app.
  -h, --hostname string   GitHub hostname (default "")
  -k, --keyfile string    Private key file (default "~/.ssh/[hostname]")
  -r, --rotate            Rotate existing key (if any)

Global Flags:
      --help   Show help for command


I can authenticate but can't pull or push an organisation repo

If your organisation uses SAML single sign-on authorize your SSH key for use with the organisation.

By default access via third-party applications to organisation resources is restricted. Request the gh-doctor OAuth app be approved for use in your organisation.


GitHub Doctor creates SSH keys and uploads them to your account








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