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Merge pull request #14 from rm-dr/rework
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Huge rewrite, many fixes
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rm-dr committed Feb 11, 2024
2 parents 8710e25 + ce2e4c4 commit 3908f82
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Showing 79 changed files with 2,307 additions and 55,556 deletions.
15 changes: 15 additions & 0 deletions .editorconfig
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
# EditorConfig is awesome:

# top-most EditorConfig file
root = true

indent_style = space
indent_size = 4
end_of_line = lf
charset = utf-8
trim_trailing_whitespace = true
insert_final_newline = false

indent_style = tab
10 changes: 8 additions & 2 deletions .gitignore
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,3 +1,9 @@


157 changes: 65 additions & 92 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,142 +1,115 @@
# Tectonic TeXLive Bundle Builder
# Tectonic Bundles

This repository contains scripts for building bundles for
[Tectonic](, each of which is a complete TeX distribution.

**You do not need this repository to build Tectonic.** \
You only need these scripts if you want to make your own bundles of TeX files.

**Warning:** The `./tests` do not work yet, they need to be reworked for the new bundle spec!

This repository contains scripts for building “bundles” for
[Tectonic]( based on [Norbert Preining’s
Git mirror]( of [the TeXLive Subversion

*You do not need this repository to build Tectonic.* You only need these scripts
if you want to make your own bundle of TeX files based on the TeXLive sources.

## Prerequisites

To use these tools, you will need:

- An installation of [Docker](
- A checkout of the Preining TeXLive Git repository
(`git://`), placed or symlinked in a subdirectory
named `state/repo` below this file. Be aware that this repository currently
weighs in at **40 gigabytes**!
- A Rust toolchain if you want to create “indexed tar” bundles. (So, you don’t
need Rust if you want to create a bundle and test it locally.)
- Bash, `pv`, GNU `patch` and `diff`
- A [TeXlive tarball]( Different bundles need different TeXlive versions.
- A Rust toolchain (`cargo`).

Data files associated with the staging process will land in other subdirectories
of `state/`.

## Getting started: creating the bundler image

The first step is to create a Docker container that will host most of the
computations — this promotes reproducibility and portability, regardless of what
kind of system you are using. To create this container, run:
## Bundles:
Each directory in `./bundles` is a bundle specification, which contains everything we need to reproducibly build a bundle.\
See [`./bundles/`](./bundles/ for details.

./ build-image
The following bundles are available:
- `texlive2023-nopatch`: based on `texlive2023-20230313`.

## Creating TeXLive containers

The next step is to create TeXLive “containers” — which are different than
Docker containers. A *Docker* container is an encapsulated Linux machine that
provides a reproducible build environment. *TeXLive* containers are archives
containing the files associated with the various TeXLive packages.

To create TeXLive container files for all of the packages associated with your
TeXLive checkout, run:

./ update-containers

This will use the Docker container to generate TeXLive container files in
`state/containers`. *The results of this step will depend on what version of the
TeXLive tree you currently have checked out in `state/repo`.*
## Build Process:
Before building any bundles, acquire a [TeXlive tarball]( with a version that matches the bundle you want to build. These are usually distributed as compressed tarballs, which you'll have to manually decompress. **`` expects an uncompressed `.tar` file!** It checks the hash of this file, and will refuse to work if that hash doesn't match.

The tarball you end up with should have a name of the form `texlive-YYYYMMDD-texmf.tar`. **Do not rename this file!**

## Creating a TeXLive installation tree


./ make-installation bundles/tlextras
./ install-packages bundles/tlextras
To build a bundle, run the following jobs. These **must** be run in order!

(In the future, we might add more specifications to the `bundles` directory for
creating specialized bundles. The `tlextras` bundle is the one-size-fits-all
default bundle.)
- `./ <tarball> extract`: extracts texlive into `./build/texlive/<version>`\
This also generates `TEXLIVE-SHA256SUM` in the texlive version directory.

- `./ <bundle> content`: assemble all files into a bundle at `./build/output/<bundle>content`.\
This will delete all bundles in `output/<bundle>/`, move them elsewhere if you still need them.

## Updating patches
Once `./build/output/content` has been created, run any of the following commands to package the bundle.\
See [`builder/`](./scripts/builder/ for details.

As of TeXLive 2021, we have bitten the bullet and decided to maintain some
patches against the TeXLive tree.
- `./ <bundle> ttbv1`: create a ttb (version 1) bundle from the content directory.\
TTB bundles may be used locally or hosted on the web.

Maintaining long-lived patches is never fun, but Git makes life a lot easier
than it could be. We use a secondary branch named `vendor-pristine` to help
maintain our patches. The way we do that is to copy the “vendor” (TeXLive
original) files into branch, then use `git merge` to update the main branch with
whatever changes have been introduced between TeXLive updates.

First, bump the version of your bundle and run the standard update steps through
the `install-packages` step described above. Make sure that the current branch
is clean with no changes in the working tree or index. Then run:

./ get-vendor-pristine bundles/tlextras

Then follow the suggested workflow as printed out by that command. The basic
plan is to commit the vendor files into the bundle’s `patched/` directory *on
the vendor-pristine* branch, then merge them back into the main branch.

## Exporting to a Zip-format bundle
## Output Files


./ make-zipfile bundles/tlextras
**`./ <bundle> content` produces the following:**
- `./build/output/<bundle>/content`: contains all bundle files. It is organized by source: files from the bundle's `include` dir will be under `./include`, texlive files will be under `./texlive`, and so on. See `` of `scripts/select`.
This directory also contains some metadata:
- `content/FILES`: each line of this file is `<path> <hash>`, sorted by file name.\
Files with identical names are included.\
Files not in any search path are also included.\
`<hash>` is either a hex sha256 of that file's contents, or `nohash` for a few special files.
- `content/SHA256SUM`: The sha256sum of `content/FILES`. This string uniquely defines this bundle.
- `content/SEARCH`: File search order for this bundle. See bundle spec documentation.
- `search-report`: debug file. Lists all directories that will not be searched by the rules in `search-order`.\
The entries in this file are non-recursive: If `search-report` contains a line with `/texlive`, this means that direct children of `/texlive` (like `/texlive/file.tex`) will not be found, but files in *subdirectories* (like `/texlive/tex/file.tex`) may be.

This will create a large Zip-format bundle file with a name something like
`state/artifacts/tlextras-2020.0r0/`. Such a bundle file
can be used with the `tectonic` command-line program with the `-b` argument.

**`./ <bundle> ttbv1` produces the following:**
- `<bundle>.ttb`: the bundle. Note that the ttb version is *not* included in the extension.
- Index location and length are printed once this job completes.
- You can extract files from this bundle by running `dd if=file.ttb ibs=1 skip=<start> count=<len> | gunzip`

## Converting to an “indexed tar” bundle

This step is needed to create a bundle that will be hosted on the web. Run:

./ make-itar bundles/tlextras
## Testing

This will create both the `.tar` and the `.tar.index.gz` files that need to be
uploaded for use as a web bundle.
Tests are under `./tests`, and are currently a work in progress. All tests are run through `` as follows: `./ <path-to-ttb> <test set>`.

Tests require the following:
- a `ttb` bundle (local or remote)
- a recent installation of Tectonic

## Testing
### Test Sets
The following test sets are avaiable:
- `files`, which tries to compile all files under `tests/files` and `tests/formats`
- `classes`, which tries to compile a simple document using `tests/classes.list`

Bundle definitions come with testing information. To test a bundle, you need the
`tectonic` command-line program to be in your $PATH, as well as a Python 3
interpreter and the [toml] package.
Note that most test files contain comments explaining the reason and expected outcome of the test.


Test scripts are located in the `tests` directory. Currently available:

- `tests/`: basic compilation smoketest of the documentclasses in a bundle
- `tests/`: test generation of the format files defined in the bundle
- `tests/`: test loading if the package (style) files defined in the
bundle. There are thousands of style files in a typical bundle, so this
program uses a framework to run a random-but-reproducible subset of the tests.
See the header comment in the Python file for more information.
### Test Output
All test output ends up under `tests/build`

**Output for `files`:**
- `files/logs`: log files for all builds (passed or failed)
- `files/*.{pdf,fmt,etc}`: output files for each build

#### Copyright and Licensing

The infrastructure scripts in this repository are licensed under the MIT
License. Their copyright is assigned to the Tectonic Project.
**Output for `classes`
- `failed`: classes that failed to compile
- `passed`: classes that complied without error
- `logs`: log files for all compile jobs

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