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initdb /some/directory # just do this ONCE pg_ctl -D /some/directory start # many other options, e.g. logging, available here psql postgres host all postgres trust

pg_ctl -D \psql_data start createdb -h localhost -U techsin dailysos pg_ctl -D "C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\9.6\data" start

#mac sudo su - postgres psql

  • or createuser -P -s -e UBUNTU_USERNAME exit

#windows psql.exe -U postgres createuser -P -s -e techsin CREATE ROLE techsin PASSWORD 'md57635f1184a4fd834b8795d42d50a1ab7' SUPERUSER CREATEDB CREATEROLE INHERIT LOGIN; createdb -h localhost -U db_username MYAPPNAME_development C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\9.6\data hb_conf drop table "Deals" <-- need double quotes to prevent auto lower casing> only user that exists is postgresql, will ask password even if user doesn't exist pg_ctl reload host all postgres trust

node_modules.bin\sequelize db:migrate node_modules.bin\sequelize db:migrate:undo

to connect using psql on ssh server


//to log ec2 nodejs output tail -f /var/log/nodejs/nodejs.log. I

#regarding template 1 & 0 database.

#things I learned

Sesssion save unintialized: if false, mean dont store sessions if it wasn't modified

Session resave: is needed if the databse automatically deletes some sessions if they're idle for long time. Store has to implement touch method, touch can be disabled at store to reduce db writes. sequelize does have touch method

Session secret: it is used to sign cookie that is used to save session id. If using session storage then dont need signed cookies sepreately, as signed cookies were used for storage. secret session cookie is signed with this secret to prevent tampering cookie session cookie settings, defaulting to { path: '/', httpOnly: true, maxAge: null } can add {secure: true}

Signed cookies: The cookie will still be visible, but it has a signature, so it can detect if the client modified the cookie. HMAC of values+secret is saved along values in cookie. If values are changed then hash doesn't match on recalculation.

Cookie Secure: browser send cookie only over https and not http.

Http Only: helps prevent XSS attacks, by preventing javascript from being able to modify and access cookies.

salt: salt is needed because even if you hash with secure function, people use common passwords, and rainbow table can allow easily to decode original password. with salt reverse hash look up isnt possible, as you need to create hashtable for each salt.

HSTS: The HTTP Strict-Transport-Security response header (often abbreviated as HSTS) lets a web site tell browsers that it should only be accessed using HTTPS, instead of using HTTP.

Unique constraint only worked once added index with unique on model??

amazon ses: bucket should have permission, rule set should be active, rule domains should be verified, rule domain should be both, any other rule should have domain specified otherwise email goes to previous domain catch all

beforeUpdate hook called when use or instance.update(), when use model.update(), beforeBulkUpdate will be called

CORS : Access control, let server decided who can interact with its content, enforced by browser.. csrf still possible in non js ways img+script tag can fetch resources from any domain token work because sop doesn't allow doing get request to return data attacker can make browser send all get via 'img' or href or iframe, post with form-urlenc.. or multipart/form-data or text/plain but if there are custom headers or link (1) (1)

CSP: prevents xss attacks by limiting what your website can load and run, ie. no inline script

ipconfig /flushdns sudo killall -HUP mDNSResponder chrome://net-internals/#dns chrome://net-internals/#sockets

sequelize join table attributes can be passed at time of adding customer.addDeal(deal, {through: {expiresAt: ....}})

babel presets vercel/next.js#2468

#things to do implement payment/stripe delete unverified customers in 1 hour. add resend button disable iframing xframe options

validate address on backend (OMG it's deep hole) implement recaptcha js backend add server side validation for inputs on discount add error to discount page unique: true is breaking sync implement CSRF token implement CORS access control Bruteforce protection login and registration checkout nexmo for sms messaging. extract out deleting tokens to cron jobs add change phone number button for customer add date coupon was used at

#things done remove data: from csp - problem with leaflet implement redo logic for codes sequelize/sequelize#9263 add redeem option on desktop version of dashboard for businesses add code to deals don't show deals used in map view implement CSP Sanitaize user input on registration and login add auto fill on error for registration and login xss escaping build settings page Sanitaize customer input

#things to think about

user should be able to filter further : fashion > men user should be able to view their active deals biz should be able to look up code manually rel=”alternate” and rel=”canonical” 180/.2 = 900 360/.2 = 1800

Map tiles 720 x 360

world coordinate = 0 - 256 x,y pixel coordinate = worldCoords * 2^zoomelevel tile number = pixelCoords / 256


Stepgrab fork without creds






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