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Backend Server for WotUS Map. It uses GRASS GIS and Geoserver to give an idea of what land would fall under environmental regulations depending on the amount of water flowing though it on average.


  • Cahokia assumes a "standard" Linux Distribution.
    • It specifically was developed on Arch Linux for use on CentOS and Ubuntu. Problems on Arch Linux prevent Geoserver part of the stack from working under Apache user "httpd" for unknown reasons.
    • In addition to GNU bash and GNU Coreutils, Commands used:
      • grep
      • wget
      • curl
      • flock
  • GRASS 7.2
    • This can probably use later versions or maybe even earlier versions of 7, but this would require at least modification of It might also have to be modified based on where GRASS directory was placed when it was installed.
  • A DEM and Accumulation Rasters of the desired area.
  • For the full stack to work you need a Apache httpd Server that is PHP enabled.
    • For consideration of WotUS Map as a Server, see WotUS Setup.


Server API

Generating an Accumulation Raster

Generating a WotUS Raster Mannually

The Other Repositories

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Regular and Docker Setup Scripts