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hishamhm committed Jan 20, 2023
1 parent 12d2090 commit 6ac2a5c
Showing 1 changed file with 128 additions and 1 deletion.
129 changes: 128 additions & 1 deletion
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,3 +1,130 @@
# 0.15.0


This release features commits by Li Jin, Carl Lei, Yang Li,
Pierre Chapuis, @lenscas, Stéphane Veyret, and Hisham Muhammad.

# What's New

### Language

* Type-only `require`:
* Adds new syntax for requiring a module's exported type
without generating a `require()` call in the output Lua:
`local type MyType = require("mytype")` -- circular
definitions of `local type`-required types are allowed,
as long as the type is only referenced but its contents
are not dereferenced.
* New variable attribute `<total>`:
* It declares a const variable with a table where the
domain of its keys are totally declared.
* This check can only be applied when a literal table is given
at the time of variable initialization, and only for table types
with well-known finite domains: maps with enum keys, maps with
boolean keys, records.
* Note that the requirement is that keys are declared: they may
still be explicitly declared to be nil.
* Type inference improvements:
* Improved flow-typing in `if` blocks - if a block ends
with `return`, then the remainder of the function can
infer the negation of its condition.
* In contexts where the expected type of an expression
is known (e.g. assignments, declarations with explicit
type signatures), the return type a function call can
now determine the type argument of a function.
* In particular, `local x: T = setmetatable({}, mt)`
can now infer that `{}` is `T` without a cast.
* When initializing a union with a value, that value
is now used by the flow-typing engine to narrow the
variable's concrete known type.
* Local functions can be forward-declared with a `local`
variable declaration and then implemented with bare
`function` notation, more similarly to how record functions
(and Lua functions) work.
* Handling of `.` and index notations is now more consistent
for both maps and records:
* Map keys can now use `.`-notation like records, and
get the same checks (e.g. if a key type is a valid enum)
* `__index` metamethod works for `.`-notation as well.
* Some stricter checks:
* Unused type arguments in function signatures are now
flagged as an error.
* Using the `#` operator on a numeric-keyed map now produces a
warning, and on a non-numeric-keyed map it produces an error.
* Redeclaration of boolean keys in a map literal are
now an error.
* Cannot declare a union between multiple tuple types
as these can't be discriminated.
* Cannot redeclare a record method with different type
signatures; produces a warning when redeclaring with
the same type signature.
* Standard library improvements:
* `pcall` and `xpcall` have vararg return types

### Fixes

* Fixed check between `or` expression and nominal unions.
* Fixed function call return values when returning
unions with type arguments. (#604)
* Fixed an error when exporting type aliases. (#586)
* `__call` metamethods that are declared using a type alias
now resolve correctly. (#605)
* Generic return types are more consistenly checked,
potentially reporting errors that went undetected before.
* Fixed type variable name conflicts in record functions,
ensuring nested uses of generic record functions using
type variables don't cause conflicts. (#560)
* Fixed the inference of type arguments in return values. (#512)
* Fixed the error message for redefined functions. (#566)
* Fixed a case where a userdata record type is not
resolved properly. (#585)
* Fixed some issues with the `<close>` attribute.
* `tl warnings` no longer misses some warning types.

### Code generation

* Report error on unterminated long comments instead of
generating invalid code.
* Cleaner code is produced for `is nil` checks.

### API

API changes for more consistent processing of syntax errors:

* `tl.lex` changed: it now returns an `{Error}` array instead
of a list of error Tokens.
* from `function tl.lex(input: string): {Token}, {Token}`
* to `function tl.lex(input: string, filename: string): {Token}, {Error}`
* `tl.parse_program` changed: it no longer returns the first
integer argument, which as always ignored by every caller.
* from `function tl.parse_program(tokens: {Token}, errs: {Error}, filename: string): integer, Node, {string}`
* to `function tl.parse_program(tokens: {Token}, errs: {Error}, filename: string): Node, {string}`
* `tl.parse` is a new function that combines
`tl.lex` and `tl.parse_program` the right way, avoiding previous
mistakes; this is the preferred function to use moving forward.
* signature: `function tl.parse(input: string, filename: string): Node, {Error}, {string}`

### Tooling

* Better handling of newlines on Windows.
* `tl types`: in function calls of polymorphic functions, now
the return type of the resolved function is reported.
* More informative pretty-print of polymorphic function signatures
in error messages.
* More informative error message for field assignment failures.
* Improved error message for inconsistent fields (#576)
* The parser now does some lookahead heuristics to provide nicer
error messages.
* The compiler now detects mis-aligned `end` keywords when reporting
about unmatched blocks, which helps pointing to the place where a
mistake actually occurred, instead of the end of the file.
* For debugging the compiler itself:
* new environment variable mode `TL_DEBUG=1` inspects AST nodes
and types as program is compiled.
* `TL_DEBUG` with a negative value `-x` will run like `TL_DEBUG=1`
but halt the compiler after processing input line `x`.

# 0.14.1

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -454,7 +581,7 @@ This new release does not include big language changes, but includes a lot of
new stuff! The new `tl types` infrastructure for IDE tooling, ``
support in `tl build`, code generation options, and tons of bugfixes.

This release features commits by Corey Williamson, lenscas, Patrick
This release features commits by Corey Williamson, @lenscas, Patrick
Desaulniers and Hisham Muhammad.

## What's New
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