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PHP library for validating YubiKey one-time passwords (OTPs)


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yubilib is a PHP library for remotely and locally validating YubiKey one-time passwords (OTPs). It also includes a YubiKey emulator for testing and development as well as functions to check whether the various components of a one-time password are in the correct format.


HTML-formatted documentation can be generated using Doxygen and the included Doxyfile file. The generated documentation is placed in the documentation/html directory, and the main page can be found at documentation/html/index.html.

Example Usage

Remote Validation

Validating a one-time password using a validation server is fairly straightforward. First, either get a client ID and API key to use Yubico's YubiCloud validation servers or host a validation server yourself.

Then, simply make a call to the server with those credentials:

// Load the library and automatically load classes and dependencies as needed.
require_once "path/to/yubilib/vendor/autoload.php";

$otp = "kgucftudgcknghjjkunucgldkcvdtfhnbuikidrlnukt";
$settings["clientId"] = "12345";
$settings["apiKey"] = "IEFQSSBrZXkgaW4gYmFzZTY0IA==";
$settings["server"] = "";
$settings["timeout"] = 10;

try {
	$isOtpValid = yubilib\validateOneTimePasswordRemotely($otp, $settings);
} catch (yubilib\requestTimeoutException $exception) {
	// Handle a request that timed out.
} catch (yubilib\badRequestException $exception) {
	// Handle a bad request, e.g., invalid server, client ID, or API key.
} catch (yubilib\badResponseException $exception) {
	// Handle a bad response, e.g., network or validation server issue.

Local Validation

Storing Credentials

To be able to validate a one-time password, your application must first have credentials stored somewhere. yubilib includes functions to make this easier. For example:

// Load the library and automatically load classes and dependencies as needed.
require_once "path/to/yubilib/vendor/autoload.php";

$userId = 12345;
$credentials["publicIdentity"] = "kgucftudgckn";
$credentials["privateIdentity"] = "4ae4e40efa8a";
$credentials["secretKey"] = "637f70b3846347d55ee49016a7da70a2";
$credentials["counter"] = 0;

// Prepare the credentials to get them into the format that
// yubilib\serializeCredentials() and yubilib\validateOneTimePasswordLocally()
// expect. This includes hashing the private identity as a security measure.
$preparedCredentials = yubilib\prepareCredentialsForSerialization($credentials);

// Serialize the credentials to a string for easy storage.
$serializedCredentials = yubilib\serializeCredentials($credentials);

// Store the serialized credentials somewhere safe.
example\storeOneTimePasswordCredentials($userId, $serializedCredentials);

Security Notice: it is absolutely essential that the credentials are stored in a secure and encrypted manner. If you're unsure how to do that properly, use remote validation and the YubiCloud validation servers instead.

Validating a One-Time Password

Once the credentials have been stored securely, validating a one-time password is pretty straightforward:

// Load the library and automatically load classes and dependencies as needed.
require_once "path/to/yubilib/vendor/autoload.php";

$userId = 12345;
$otp = "kgucftudgcknghjjkunucgldkcvdtfhnbuikidrlnukt";

// Retrieve the stored credentials in serialized format.
$serializedCredentials = example\retriveOneTimePasswordCredentials($userId);

// Deserialize and validate the one-time password.
$credentials = yubilib\deserializeCredentials($serializedCredentials);
list($isOtpValid, $newCounter) = yubilib\validateOneTimePasswordLocally($otp, $credentials);

if ($isOtpValid) {
	// Update the counter and serialize the updated credentials.
	$credentials["counter"] = $newCounter;
	$serializedCredentials = yubilib\serializeCredentials($credentials);

	// Save the updated credentials, namely the counter, to prevent replay attacks.
	example\storeOneTimePasswordCredentials($userId, $serializedCredentials);
} else {
	// Notify the user that the one-time password is invalid.

Format Validation

The library also includes functions to validate the format of one-time passwords and their various components. Here are some examples:

// Load the library and automatically load classes and dependencies as needed.
require_once "path/to/yubilib/vendor/autoload.php";

$publicIdentity = "kgucftudgckn";
$privateIdentity = "4ae4e40efa8a";
$secretKey = "637f70b3846347d55ee49016a7da70a2";
$otp = "kgucftudgcknghjjkunucgldkcvdtfhnbuikidrlnukt";

if (yubilib\isPublicIdentity($publicIdentity, "modhex")) {
	// Notify the user that the public identity is invalid.

if (yubilib\isPrivateIdentity($privateIdentity, "hex")) {
	// Notify the user that the private identity is invalid.

if (yubilib\isSecretKey($secretKey, "hex")) {
	// Notify the user that the secret key is invalid.

if (yubilib\isOneTimePassword($otp, "modhex")) {
	// Notify the user that the one-time password is invalid.


The emulator.php file contains a YubiKey emulator for testing and development purposes. By default, this file doesn't do anything in order to prevent abuse if this file is made publicly available, e.g., on a website. You must first comment out the return statement at the beginning of the file to use the emulator.

Once that is done, you can modify the values in emulator.php and run it to generate and print a one-time password.


  • Your application should include some kind of recovery mechanism for users who lose their YubiKeys.
  • Your application should mitigate brute-force and other attacks by only allowing a specific amount of login attempts during a specific time interval.
  • With regards to local validation, it is absolutely essential that the credentials are stored in a secure and encrypted manner. If you're unsure how to do that properly, use remote validation and the YubiCloud validation servers instead.
  • In the interest of full disclosure, this library hasn't gone through a third-party security audit.


PHP library for validating YubiKey one-time passwords (OTPs)








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