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Frequently Asked Questions

Simon Frei edited this page Jan 19, 2023 · 14 revisions

How can I access the config and key files?

Use the import/export items in the app settings. This will use the folder /sdcard/backups/syncthing/ for files. The actual files are stored in /data/data/com.nutomic.syncthingandroid/files/ which can only be accessed with root.

What about SD card support?

Starting with Android 11 (maybe 10 [1]), Syncthing can again write to external SD cards. There are some other limitations imposed by Android though (e.g. no access to data in other apps private folders).

In Android 9 and lower Syncthing can not write to external SD cards, but there are a few known workarounds:

  • If you format the external SD Card as internal storage, the SD card will be the new /storage/emulated/0/ and will be encrypted and only usable in that phone.
  • If you want a "Folder Master" / "Send Only" folder, you can create an empty file named .stfolder in the folder.
  • Create your destination folders under Syncthing's application-specific folder, e.g. /storage/014A-7323/Android/data/com.nutomic.syncthingandroid/files.
  • If you want the data scannable by Android's Media Storage service (e.g. for music), create your destination folders under Syncthing's media folder, e.g. /storage/014A-7323/Android/media/com.nutomic.syncthingandroid/music.
  • If on a rooted phone running Nougat or Marshmallow, try using this Xposed module to give Syncthing permission to write to the SD card.

[1] There are conflicting reports for android 10 whether it works or not. There's definitely an issue with picking a folder, where the user is told that there's no write access - that might just be a folder picker issue though. Or maybe it really can't write - if anyone debugs this and finds out, please let us know.

Where are the logs?

You can find the Syncthing logs in the app settings ("Debug" section). Additionally, logs are saved to the primary storage, under Android/data/com.nutomic.syncthingandroid/files/syncthing.log.

How to access the web interface from a browser?

Open the URL at http://localhost:8384. You will be prompted to accept the SSL certificate. The username is syncthing, and the password is Syncthing's API key (you can find the API key in the settings in the web interface).

Why is Syncthing stopped after some time?

Android 5.0+ automatically stops apps after some time, especially if they use a lot of CPU (like Syncthing). To avoid this, there are various options which might help:

  • Go to System Settings -> Battery -> Battery optimisation -> choose "All apps" -> pick Syncthing -> Set "Don't optimise"

  • In Syncthing-Android, go to Settings -> Experimental -> select "Keep CPU awake" and/or "Run with foreground service priority"

Sync as Root?

Syncing files with root permissions is supported. Using root privileges can be enabled in Settings > Experimental. Using root, you can sync folders on your external storage. Misconfigured sync folders pointing to Android's system paths may brick your phone or prevent it from booting.

You should not attempt to sync the following files or folders:

  • /data *1)
  • /storage/abcd-efgh/Android *1)
  • /storage/abcd-efgh/Android/com.nutomic.syncthingandroid/files/syncthing.log *2)
  • /storage/abcd-efgh/WhatsApp *2)

*1) If you'd like to backup app data, you can use third-party apps like TitaniumBackup or oandrbackup. Syncthing is not designed to replace an os specific backup utility.

*2) Syncing constantly changing files like logs or databases is not supported.

How can I automate Syncthing?

Syncthing-Android can be started and stopped by other apps with intents. See Remote Control by Broadcast Intents for instructions.

How can I add a custom WebUI theme?

You can add a custom WebUI theme, by placing it inside gui in the Android data directory of the app (usually /storage/emulated/0/Android/data/com.nutomic.syncthingandroid/gui).

More info on (custom) themes in Syncthing can be found here: