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Kubernetes CPI Release

This is an experimental release of a BOSH Cloud Provider that targets Kubernetes clusters. The goal is to deploy and management of BOSH packaged software on Kubernetes nodes.

Current Status

See issues for additional information.

Mapping BOSH to Kubernetes

Virtual Machines

A Pod is used to implement a BOSH virtual machine. The pod consists of a single privileged container that runs the BOSH agent. The container is privileged to allow the agent to run commands like mount that require elevated capabilities.

An emptyDir Volume is created to act as the ephemeral disk. The contents of the volume are permanently deleted when the pod is deleted or moved to a different Kubernetes node.

Pods are named after the BOSH agent they host and any Kubernetes objects related to the agent are labeled with the agent ID. This allows for easy identification and selection.

When possible, labels are used to hold BOSH virtual machine metadata like job name and index.

Persistent Disks

A PersistentVolumeClaim is used to implement a BOSH persistent disk. When a claim is created, Kubernetes searches for an available PersistentVolume that satisfies its claim. When a match is found (or provisioned), the persistent volume is bound to the claim.

When BOSH instructs the CPI to attach a persistent disk to a virtual machine, the Pod that backs the virtual machine will be deleted and a new Pod will be created with a Volume that references the persistent disk's PersistentVolumeClaim. This implementation has some side effects that are described in the issues below.


The Kubernetes network model allocates a unique IP address to each pod that is used in the cluster. That means that BOSH dynamic networks are mostly supported out of the box. Unfortunately, when a pod terminates or moves to a new node, its IP address can change. This is a problem as BOSH assumes that the IP address of an agent will not change after it assigned and will no longer be able to connect to the agent.

To prevent that problem, a networking provider like Project Calico that supports portable IP addresses can be used to implement manual networks. To make this work, the CPI annotates each Pod with its BOSH assigned IP. At the CNI layer, calico-wrapper retrieves the IP address annotation added by the CPI and passes along the value as the IP argument to Calico.

Work is currently underway in Calico to support IP allocation from annotations. Once that is done, calico-wrapper should no longer be needed.


Standing up a director with bosh-init is pretty straightforward. These instructions assume you are using minikube but similar steps can be used with any Kubernetes clusters.

Before starting, please make sure you've installed the bosh CLI, bosh-init, kubectl (the Kubernetes CLI), jq and minikube. Most of these are available in homebrew.


  1. Start minikube. You want to make sure that you've configured it with an appropriate amount of disk and memory and that you've enabled CNI for networking.

    $ minikube start --cpus 4 --disk-size 80g --kubernetes-version v1.5.1 --memory 4096 --network-plugin cni --vm-driver xhyve
  2. Deploy calico and calico-wrapper to minikube. This configures Kubernetes to use Project Calico for networking with a custom CNI plugin that gets the IP address to use from an annotation on the pod.

    $ kubectl apply -f test/calico-wrapper-minikube.yaml

    After applying this configuration, you'll want to wait for all of the pods in the kube-system namespace to be running before proceeding.

  3. Create the Kubernetes Namespace and PersistentVolumes. For minikube, test/config.yml will create a Namespace called bosh and define 16 5Gi persistent volumes in minikube's /data directory.

    $ kubectl create -f test/config.yml
  4. Generate the manifest for your director. If minikube is your target, scripts/ will generate a manifest with the URLs and credentials from minikube. The script the latest published release of the CPI and stemcell.

    $ scripts/ > bosh-director.yml
  5. Use bosh-init to deploy the director as a Kubernetes Pod. This will take about 10 minutes.

    $ bosh-init deploy bosh-director.yml
  6. Target the BOSH director. The resource pool for the director defined a Kubernetes NodePort service to make it available outside of the cluster. By default the exposed port is 32067. The admin user's password can be found in the director's manifest.

    $ bosh target $(minikube service --url --https director --namespace bosh) minikube
    Target set to 'minikube'
    Your username: admin
    Enter password:
    Logged in as 'admin'


Once the director is up, it's time to deploy something.

Cloud Foundry

If your Kubernetes cluster uses Calico for networking, deploying Cloud Foundry with the Kubernetes CPI is similar to deploying Cloud Foundry anywhere else. The manifest templates in cf-release can be used to generate the manifest.


  1. Review and modify the sample infrastructure template for kubernetes where needed. Note that this template is based on what's provided for bosh-lite.

  2. Generate a Cloud Foundry deployment manifest.

    $ spiff merge \
          ~/workspace/cf-release/templates/generic-manifest-mask.yml \
          ~/workspace/cf-release/templates/cf.yml \
          ~/workspace/kubernetes-cpi-release/templates/cf-infrastructure-kubernetes.yml \
          <(echo "director_uuid: $(bosh status --uuid)") > cf.yml
  3. If you plan on using DEA's instead of Diego, please see the issue related to ifb devices as you will need to apply a patch to warden and create your own release.

    $ pushd ~/workspace/cf-release/src/warden
    $ git apply ~/workspace/kubernetes-cpi-release/src/patches/warden-ignore-ifb-errors.diff
    $ popd
    $ bosh -n create release --force && bosh -n upload release

    If you don't plan on using DEAs, you can simply upload a final release from

    $ bosh upload release
  4. Upload Kubernetes Stemcell

    $ bosh upload stemcell
  5. Deploy Cloud Foundry. This can take 20 minutes or more to complete.

    $ bosh -d cf.yml -n deploy --no-redact
  6. Once Cloud Foundry has been deployed, the cf CLI can be used to login and push applications. You want to make sure you do this from a box that has network connectivity to Cloud Controller you just deployed. One way to do this is to run a shell in a Kubernetes pod.

    $ kubectl run -it cf-cli --image=governmentpaas/cf-cli --command /bin/sh --restart=Never && kubectl delete pod cf-cli
    / # cf api --skip-ssl-validation
    / # cf auth admin admin


With your Cloud Foundry deployment up and running, you can now deploy Diego. Currently we only support deploying Diego with a Postgres database and require a few modifications to the normal deployment workflow.

  1. Generate a Diego deployment manifest

    To generate the Diego manifest for Kubernetes you will need to use custom stubs to generate the IAAS settings and set the garden.apparmor_profile to the empty string "". The provided IAAS settings are for bosh-lite and there is a garden-release PR which allows you to over write the necessary property.

    $ pushd ~/workspace/diego-release
    $ git fetch origin pull/255/head:kube
    $ git checkout kube
    $ mkdir manifests
    $ scripts/generate-deployment-manifest \
          -c ~/workspace/cf-release/cf.yml \
          -i ~/workspace/kubernetes-cpi-release/stubs/kubernetes-diego-iaas-settings.yml \
          -p ~/workspace/kubernetes-cpi-release/stubs/kubernetes-diego-property-overrides.yml \
          -n manifest-generation/bosh-lite-stubs/instance-count-overrides.yml \
          -x \
          -s manifest-generation/bosh-lite-stubs/postgres/diego-sql.yml \
          -v manifest-generation/bosh-lite-stubs/release-versions.yml \
          > manifests/diego.yml
    $ spiff merge \
          manifest-generation/config-from-cf.yml \
          manifest-generation/config-from-cf-internal.yml \
          ~/workspace/cf-release/cf.yml \
          > manifests/config-from-cf.yml
    $ scripts/generate-benchmarks-manifest \
          -c manifests/diego.yml \
          -p manifest-generation/benchmark-errand-stubs/default_bosh_lite_benchmark_properties.yml \
          -i ~/workspace/kubernetes-cpi-release/stubs/kubernetes-diego-iaas-settings.yml \
          > manifests/diego-benchmarks.yml
    $ scripts/generate-vizzini-manifest \
          -c ~/workspace/cf-release/cf.yml \
          -p manifest-generation/bosh-lite-stubs/vizzini-properties.yml \
          -i ~/workspace/kubernetes-cpi-release/stubs/kubernetes-diego-iaas-settings.yml \
          > manifests/vizzini.yml
    $ popd
  2. Upload the latest cflinuxfs2-rootfs-release

    $ bosh upload release
  3. Patch the Garden-Runc-Release for Diego

    To deploy Diego, there is a PR for the garden-runc-release so that users can opt-out of app armor. See the Garden issue for more information.

    $ pushd ~/workspace/garden-runc-release
    $ git fetch origin pull/22/head:kube
    $ git checkout kube
    $ bosh create release --force && bosh upload release
    $ popd ~/workspace/garden-runc-release
  4. Deploy Diego

    $ pushd ~/workspace/diego-release
    $ bosh create release --force && bosh upload release
    $ bosh -d manifests/diego.yml -n deploy --no-redact
    $ popd

Minikube Workarounds

BOSH ssh

If you want to access one of the BOSH vm's with bosh ssh, you need to use the minikube host as the ssh gateway.

For example:

$ bosh ssh api_z1 0 \
    --gateway_user docker \
    --gateway_host $(minikube ip) \
    --gateway_identity_file ~/.minikube/machines/minikube/id_rsa


By default, garden uses app armor profiles to constrain the capabilities of unprivileged containers but minikube does not contain the necessary kernel module and extensions necessary to support it. Disabling app armor avoids the problem.

Unfortunately, the app armor profile is currently hard-coded in the garden control script. A PR to disable app armor is pending.


Warden includes support for rate limiting container network traffic. This feature uses an ifb network device that is not included in many bare-bones OS environments like minikube.

If you want to run warden in a minikube based deployment, the scripts that setup the network need to be changed to ignore errors related to the ifb devices. The warden-ignore-ifb-errors does this. As warden is no longer being actively maintained, a PR has not been opened.


BOSH was built to assume that it's managing virtual machines. These assumptions don't always apply to containerized systems. For example, BOSH assumes that once it's created a machine for a job, it can reboot it; that's obviously not true of a container.

BOSH Agent

BOSH assumes that its agent is responsible for helping with many configuration actions like setting up the network stack and mounting disks. In some cases, like networking, the agent can be told to leave well enough alone; in others, like mounting a disk, it just has to do something.


The preconfigured flag is set on all networks in the agent configuration to prevent the agent from attempting to manage any aspect of the network configuration.

Disk Management

The BOSH director uses the agent to mount and unmount disks after the CPI has successfully performed the attach_disk and detach_disk operations. In the context of Kubernetes, however, the kubelet is responsible for mounting Volumes into the container. In order to make both happy, the agent.json that is placed in the stemcell uses the BindMountPersistentDisk option. Unfortunately, the agent has a bug that attempts to use the —bind option for all mounts - including temporary file systems. This causes the agent to fail during bootstrap.

For the time being, a patch is being applied to correct this behavior.

Privileged Container Required

In its current form, the BOSH agent attempts to run actions in the container that require CAP_SYS_ADMIN. At some point we need to identify what these privileged actions are and whether or not they make sense when containerized.

Stable IP Addresses and Disk Management

Here are some facts:

  1. BOSH assumes that once a virtual machine has been created, its address won't change. This is true regardless of whether it's associated with a manual or dynamic network.
  2. BOSH disk managmenent targets running virtual machines. This seems to be based on an assumption that the agent must mount the disk on the machine.
  3. Kubernetes does not allow volumes to be added or removed from a pod after its creation.
  4. The CPI implements disk management by recreating the pod with the appropriate persistent volume claims.
  5. When a pod is recreated, its IP address can (and usually does) change.

Given the above, we have a bit of a problem. Since Kubernetes doesn't provide a way to change the list of volumes and mounts on a running pod, we have to recreate the pod to attach disks. When we do that, the IP address of the pod changes and then BOSH gets really upset about it.

There's currently an open issue with Kubernetes to support stable IPs but it still has a ways to go. Until then, manual networks should always be used to ensure IP address don't change.