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Streamlined Qualitative UX Research With the Power of AI


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How AI-generated summaries are created

TC Architecture

How to run on your machine:

  1. git clone
  2. npm install to get all the dependencies
  3. Get an instance of Postgres running and create a database, name it whatever (eg "transcriptions").
  4. If you want to use Supabase to host the DB instead of your machine, make a DB in Supabase. The IPV6 connection strings will look like this (they can also be found in settings. The DB password will only be shown to you once upon creation):
  • DIRECT_URL="postgres://postgres.[YOUR-USERNAME]:[YOUR-DB-PASSWORD]"
  1. Create a .env file, and populate it with the data that's required, which is found in .env.example
  2. Run npx prisma generate and npx prisma db push to upload the schema into your DB and generate the types for the DB models.
  3. Run npm run dev to start the nextjs project on port 3003 (you can change this in package.json under the dev script)


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