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Dev Fossology Integration

Michael edited this page Sep 28, 2015 · 2 revisions

Basis of communication between SW360 and FOSSology

Basic communication with the FOSSology server is done over an SSH connection: the fossology service of SW360 executes remote commands on the FOSSology server.

The commands that are executed are the bash scripts found inside src-fossology/src/main/resources/scripts/, they are copied into the home directory of the ssh user (either manually or through the admin portlet). See Setup of connection with Fossology for configuration details.

\- src-fossology/src/main/resources/
 \- scripts/
  |- duplicateUpload
  |- folderManager
  |- getStatusOfUpload
  |- uploadFromSW360
  \- utilsSW360

These scripts utilize the standard command line tools to interact natively with FOSSology (these are the tools found in the src/cli folder of FOSSology, such as cp2foss fossjobs fossupload_status fo_usergroup fo_chmod fo_folder ...).

  • utilsSW360 contains common functions used by the other scripts and some FOSSology configuration such as the user/password pair used to run the cli utils and the UNIX group of the FOSSology processes
  • folderManager (uses FO:fo_folder): get information about the folder structure of FOSSology to allow sharing of uploads between groups
  • getStatusOfUpload (uses FO:fossupload_status): to get the clearing status given an uploadId and a group
  • uploadFromSW360 (uses FO:cp2foss fossjobs): to create a new upload from the standard input and schedule scanners
  • duplicateUpload (uses FO:fo_chmod SW:folderManager): to make a previously uploaded file available for another group

Java libraries and settings

The java code utilizes the package com.jcraft.jsch to connect to the SSH server. It is set to strictly check the fingerprint of the remote server against the accepted which are stored in couchDB.


the sw360 user in FOSSology (the actual name is configured in utilsSW360) must be a member of every group to which it should be able to send Releases to be cleared. File uploaded from SW360 are placed inside a folder with the same name as the group and permission will be set at the group level (default of cp2foss).

Datamodel and thrift service

  • each Release object in SW360 can have only one attachment of type SOURCE.

  • when a Release is sent for the first time to FOSSology through the Thrift method sendToFossology(1: string releaseId, 2: string clearingTeam ) its SOURCE attachement is sent as stdin to the script uploadFromSW360.

    The field map<string, FossologyStatus> clearingTeamToFossologyStatus is then updated to contain the corresponding entry for the chosen Clearing Team (aka. the name of the FOSSology group which will receives the upload for clearing).

  • when the same Release is sent again for another team a new link in the corresponding group folder is created and the old upload is made available for the new group (as in giving permission using FO:fo_chmod).

    At the moment this gives access only to the files, not to the relative clearing decision. In order to make the clearing decisions available a reuser needs to be scheduled from the Jobs menu. [ it could be possible to schedule the job from SW360: its user is member of all the groups; but it is not currently implemented since there is no cli interface for reuser yet ]

  • when the current status is requested using the Thrift method Release getStatusInFossology(1: string releaseId, 2: string clearingTeam ) the newest status is fetched from FOSSology and it is stored in the map for the relative clearingTeam


  • Releases have a ClearingState field, but this is ignored by the Thrift service and used only in the SW360 user interface.
  • Projects link to Releases and the summary of their FOSSology status can be monitored. This is also ignored by the FOSSology Thrift service and handled by the Component service: the FOSSology service just updates the status of the Release objects.