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WATS 4000: Refactoring

Practice refactoring a Vue.js project.

This project provides resources to practice refactoring. It is designed to go along with the Practical JavaScript 2: Application Architecture section. To successfully complete this project, we will need to improve the structure and organization of the code without altering the functionality of the application.

This starter repository contains a simple weather application. The weather app uses three major views: City Search, Current Weather, and 5 Day Forecast. Users can search for their city and then view weather data. The weather data is requested from the API, which is free and available for any developer to use. (NOTE: You will need to sign up to get an API Key to complete this project.)

In the initial state, this application will work (once you insert your API key into the proper locations), but the structure of the application could be significantly improved. We will practice creating child components that can accept data from the parent component, abstract base API configurations away from each individual API call, and consolidate other HTML and CSS blocks to minimize the pain of maintenance.

Before you get started on the project, be sure to review the files and the way the application works. Remember that the goal is not to alter or enhance the features of this application. Rather, we want to improve the structure and organization of the code to make it easier to maintain and continue to enhance the application in the future.

Basic Requirements

  • Create a software architecture diagram for the system as it exists:
    • Show each component used in the application.
    • Indicate relationships between components.
  • Sign up to and generate an API Key.
  • Paste your API Key (which will be used as the APPID parameter) into the appropriate locations in the CitySearch.vue, CurrentWeather.vue, and Forecast.vue files.
  • Verify the site works with your key. You should be able to search for a city and see weather data.
  • Abstract the base configuration for the API requests to a common file to reduce duplication of the base URL and APPID.
  • Create child components that can accept weather information and produce a well-formatted display.
  • Use the child components in each of the views to eliminate the redundant HTML and CSS styles used.
  • Create a child component called ErrorList to handle display of error messages. Replace the error message handling in the templates of the three parent components with this child component.
  • Clean up any extraneous code, comments, or files that are unused.
  • Add comments where they would be helpful to improve the readability of the project.
  • Create a software architecture diagram for the software with revisions:
    • Show each component used in the application.
    • Indicate relationships between components.

Stretch Goals

If you crave an extra challenge, attempt these stretch goals:

  • Abstract the addition of the ° F formatting on temperatures to a filter used in a common file.
  • Abstract the formatDate filter to a common file.
  • Create a child component to provide navigation between city search, current weather, and forecast views. Implement this component on each URL.

Build Setup

Fork and clone this repository, then follow these steps to get up and running.

# install dependencies
npm install

# serve with hot reload at localhost:8080
npm run dev

# build for production with minification
npm run serve

For detailed explanation on how Vue works, check out the guide and docs for vue-loader.

This project uses the API.


Practice refactoring a Vue.js application






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