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supersam wraps sam CLI and uses the Lambda function environment as parameter to the env-vars option of SAM CLI. Additionally, supersam looks for Lambda functions with supersam:watch:command and supersam:watch:directory metadata and launches the given command as a child process.

All sam CLI options can be passed to supersam. The only difference is that supersam needs an additional stack name parameter to lookup Lambda function environments.

supersam COMMAND --stack STACK_NAME --template TEMPLATE [...SAM_CLI_OPTIONS]

supersam environment

The supersam environment command creates a file that can be used as env-vars option to the SAM CLI. The command looks for all the Lambda functions in the given template. The environment variables of those Lambda functions are loaded from the stack with the given stack name and stored in the given output file.

supersam environment --stack STACK_NAME --template ./cdk.out/stack.template.json --output ./environment.json
sam --template ./cdk.out/stack.template.json --env-vars ./environment.json

supersam local start-api

The supersam local start-api command invokes the corresponding SAM CLI sam local start-api command and automatically includes the env-vars as described above.

supersam local start-api --stack STACK_NAME --template ./cdk.out/stack.template.json [...SAM_CLI_OPTIONS]

supersam local start-lambda

The supersam local start-lambda command invokes the corresponding SAM CLI sam local start-lambda command and automatically includes the env-vars as described above.

supersam local start-lambda --stack STACK_NAME --template ./cdk.out/stack.template.json [...SAM_CLI_OPTIONS]

supersam invoke

The supersam invoke command invokes the corresponding SAM CLI sam local invoke command and automatically includes the env-vars as described above.

supersam local invoke FunctionName --stack STACK_NAME --template ./cdk.out/stack.template.json [...SAM_CLI_OPTIONS]


supersam is using AWS SDK to lookup Lambda function environments. Make sure you are using an IAM role or user that can describe CloudFormation stack resources and get Lambda function configuration.



This tool works great with CDK.

Your CDK stack has to be deployed before using supersam otherwise the Lambda function environment will not be found.

The following snippet shows you how to add the supersam metadata to your Lambda functions.

const fn = new lambda.Function(scope, 'Function', ...);
const fnCfnResource = fn.node.defaultChild as cdk.CfnResource;
fnCfnResource.addMetadata('supersam:watch:command', 'pnpm watch');
fnCfnResource.addMetadata('supersam:watch:directory', './lambda-code`);

Make sure to synthesize your CDK application using the --no-staging option. CDK then adds metadata aws:asset:path pointing to your local code for every Lambda function in the synthesized template.

cdk synth --quiet --no-staging

Environment Changes


Gillis Van Ginderachter


GNU General Public License v3.0


Use SAM CLI for Lambda functions deployed with CDK.








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