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Alpha September 2020

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@kiwicopple kiwicopple released this 08 Oct 05:11
· 27407 commits to master since this release

This is also available as a blog post.

Third-party logins

We've released OAuth logins! You can now enable third-party logins on your app for Bitbucket, GitHub, GitLab, or Google.

This is a picture of the supabase dashboard with OAuth logins

Clone tables

You can duplicate your tables, just like you would inside a spreadsheet.


Enable and disable extensions

Extensions are easier to use. You can enable Postgres extensions with the click of a button.


Save your favorite queries

The SQL editor now stores your query history in your browser. You can also save your favorite queries to run later!


GitHub Discussions

Supabase was given access to GitHub Discussions! This is the place for you to ask questions or show off what you've built with Supabase.

This is a screenshot of our GitHub Discussions, a new feature by GitHub
