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libOTe Softspoken OT wrapper for Node.js and Golang


  • Clang 9 / GCC 9
  • CMake 3.16
  • Node.js 16.14 (for building Node.js addon)
  • Swig 4.1 (for building Golang library)

Build instructions

  1. Build and install Release version of Boost 1.77 with -fPIC flag

Example B2 command: sudo ./b2 runtime-debugging=off cxxflags=-fPIC --build-type=minimal install

  1. Git checkout submodules: git submodule update --init --recursive

  2. Apply libOTe.patch to libOTe cd libOTe && git apply ../libOTe.patch

Building Node.js addon (and optionally Go wrapper)

  1. Run npm install
  2. Run npm run configure - this will configure the CMake project. This can fail if you don't have all the required dependencies or something goes wrong in the configuration
  3. Build Node.js addon with npm run build-node

If you want to build Golang wrapper is well, I recommend using the same cmake-js configuration

  1. Build Golang wrapper with npm run build-go.

You can execute any cmake-js command using npx cmake-js <cmake-js command>. See for more information on commands and options

You can test the Node.js addon by running node client.js and node server.js using 2 different terminals.

Building Golang wrapper without Node.js

  1. Create a build directory mkdir build and cd to it
  2. Configure with cmake ... You will not be able to build Node.js addon using this configuration. To change the compiler used by CMake, pass -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=<c++ compiler> -DCMAKE_C_COMPILER=<c compiler> options to the cmake command.
  3. Build Golang wrapper with make -j$(nproc) libOtGo

You can test the Golang wrapper by running:

  1. Run go build

Running with go run server.go doesn't work because it's built in a temporary directory, which messes up Golang wrapper library search path. You could fix it by passing LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable before the command and pointing it to pkg directory like this: LD_LIBRARY_PATH=./pkg go run server.go.

  1. Run the resulting executable ./ot-wrapper. This will start a server first, you can pair it with the Node.js client (see Node.js addon section). Then it will start a client, you can pair with the Node.js server.


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