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arm x86 Total alerts Language grade: C/C++

Global-Scale Secure Multiparty Computation

More details of the protocol can be found in the paper.


  1. wget
  2. python -install -tool -ot -agmpc
    1. By default it will build for Release. -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=[Release|Debug] option is also available.
    2. No sudo? Change CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX.


Our custom circuits present in circuits/ should be copied into /usr/local/include/emp-tool/circuits/files/bristol_format/. The circuits either come from EMP or TLSNotary. Then you can run the following to run some tests:

./run bin/test_sha256
./run2 bin/test_test_in_out_sha256

SCRIPT_DIR=$( cd -- "$( dirname -- "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" &> /dev/null && pwd )
./bin/test_generate_handshake_circuits ${SCRIPT_DIR}/circuits/n-for-1-auth/

./run2Inputs bin/test_test_in_out_tls_n_for_1

We also have scripts to calculate some SHA/TLS test vectors, some adapted from illustrated TLS:

python3 scripts/
shared_secret=df4a291baa1eb7cfa6934b29b474baad2697e29f1f920dcc77c8a0a088447624 // Just an example value which also happens to be used in one of the n-for-1-auth tests
early_secret=$(./ extract 00 $zero_key)
empty_hash=$(openssl sha256 < /dev/null | sed -e 's/.* //')
derived_secret=$(./ expandlabel $early_secret "derived" $empty_hash 32)
handshake_secret=$(./ extract $derived_secret $shared_secret)
csecret=$(./ expandlabel $handshake_secret "c hs traffic" $hello_hash 32)
ssecret=$(./ expandlabel $handshake_secret "s hs traffic" $hello_hash 32)
client_handshake_key=$(./ expandlabel $csecret "key" "" 32)
server_handshake_key=$(./ expandlabel $ssecret "key" "" 32)
client_handshake_iv=$(./ expandlabel $csecret "iv" "" 12)
server_handshake_iv=$(./ expandlabel $ssecret "iv" "" 12)

For hello_hash and finished_hash, you'll really have to realy on openssl's code.


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Generating GO wrapper

  1. Run ./
  2. Add to swigmpc/swigmpc.go the following lines right before import "C":
    • // #cgo CXXFLAGS: -mavx2 -maes -ggdb2 -fpic
    • // #cgo LDFLAGS: -lcrypto -lboost_system
  3. Build Go app as usual
go build -o bin/mpc_server server.go