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AES MPC lib for ProveThis


  • CMake >3.13
  • GCC >9
  1. Install dependencies by running ./ This will not guarantee CMake and GCC versions so check them yourself.
  2. Run
  3. Install JS dependencies npm ci

If you're on Mac, and have OpenSSL installed from brew, you may need to set OPENSSL_ROOT_DIR if any of the build commands fail to find <openssl/ec.h> for example.

export OPENSSL_ROOT_DIR=$(brew --prefix openssl)

or if your OpenSSL is not linked

export OPENSSL_ROOT_DIR=$(brew --prefix openssl@1.1)

Building client for JS

  1. Run make client. The package is ready to be used
  2. (Optional) Run tests npm run test to test the binding. Run the server test as well.

Building server for Go

  1. Run make server.
  2. (Optional) Run test by go test.

If you encounter errors like symbol is undefined while running tests or building the server part, try adding CGO_LDFLAGS="-lcrypto -lssl -ldl -lpthread -laesmpc" before the go build/go test command.

On Mac M1 you may need to provide some extra environment variables - GOARCH=arm64 CGO_ENABLED=1 CGO_LDFLAGS="-lcrypto -lssl -ldl -lpthread -laesmpc" go build/test.

If Go cannot find crypto or ssl libraries on Mac, try adding -L$(brew --prefix openssl)/lib to CGO_LDFLAGS string. It may also be that OpenSSL is not linked, then you may want to specify OpenSSL version like brew --prefix openssl@1.1.

Generating SWIG wrapper (done once, or when the MPC lib changes API)

  1. Run swig -go -intgosize 64 -cgo -c++ aesmpc.i
  2. Add // #cgo LDFLAGS: -L. -Lemp-tool/build -lcrypto -lssl -laesmpc -ldl -lpthread right before import "C" line in aesmpc.go