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vLLM Docker Container Image

vLLM is a fast and easy-to-use library for LLM inference and serving. This container image runs the OpenAI API server of vLLM.

Image URLs:

  • substratusai/vllm (Docker Hub)
  • (GitHub Container Registry)

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Deploy Mistral 7B Instruct using Docker:

docker run -d -p 8080:8080 --gpus=all \
  -e MODEL=mistralai/Mistral-7B-Instruct-v0.1 \

Deploy Mistral 7B Instruct using K8s:

kubectl apply -f

Configuration Options

The following configuration options are available by using environment variables:

Env Name Description
MODEL REQUIRED, The model ID to serve. This can be in the form of hf_org/model or utilize a path to point to a local model. Example value: mistralai/Mistral-7B-Instruct-v0.1
SERVED_MODEL_NAME OPTIONAL, The model name used in the API. If not specified, the model name will be the same as the huggingface name.
GPU_MEMORY_UTILIZATION OPTIONAL, the max memory allowed to be utilized, default is 0.90
PORT OPTIONAL, the port to use for serving, default is 8080
QUANTIZATION OPTIONAL, the quantization method. Choices: 'awq', 'squeezellm'
DTYPE OPTIONAL, the data type for model weights. Needs to be "half" when "awq" is used
MAX_MODEL_LEN OPTIONAL, model context length. By default this is automatically derived from the model. Needs to be set to something low when using awq
CHAT_TEMPLATE OPTIONAL, Path to the chat template. The chat-templates directory shows which templates are available out of the box. E.g. /chat-templates/mistral.jinja
EXTRA_ARGS OPTIONAL, Any additional command line arguments to pass along

Please see the vLLM source code of for more details.

The container image automatically detects the number of GPUs and sets --tensor-parallel-size to be equal to number of GPUs available. This is done in the script.


docker build -t .

Helm Chart / K8s

Please see the vLLM helm chart that uses this image: substratusai/helm/vllm