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Studio1® Web2Print Bricks


1. Preparation

Your Pimcore Docker stack must be built on the current version of Studio1® Pimcore PHP Docker Image. See:

2. Use this bundle

Run following command in PHP FPM docker container:

composer require studio1/web2print-bricks

This adds all dependencies, too.

3. Enable/install Web-to-Print bundles

Run following command in PHP FPM docker container:

# ATTENTION: change to Pimcore folder *before* running following commands
bin/console pimcore:bundle:enable Web2PrintToolsBundle
bin/console pimcore:bundle:install Web2PrintToolsBundle
bin/console pimcore:bundle:enable Web2PrintBricksBundle
bin/console pimcore:bundle:install Web2PrintBricksBundle
bin/console pimcore:bundle:enable OutputDataConfigToolkitBundle
bin/console pimcore:bundle:install OutputDataConfigToolkitBundle

Also see installation notes for Web2PrintToolsBundle and OutputDataConfigToolkitBundle:

4. Change Web-to-Print settings

Web-to-Print Settings

5. Set flag "PrintPage" true for desired perspectives

Take the following perspective configuration as example: default.yaml

Afterwards please reload Pimcore admin backend.


Add PrintPage document and choose controller, e.g.

Document type Controller
Print container Studio1\Web2PrintBricksBundle\Controller\Web2printController::containerAction
Print page Studio1\Web2PrintBricksBundle\Controller\Web2printController::defaultAction

After choosing the right controller adding bricks of this bundle via editor is possible (maybe reload GUI).