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Migration guide for v22

Olivier Bellone edited this page Jan 15, 2019 · 2 revisions

Version 22 of contains a large number of changes. This guide will help you update your Stripe integration so that it keeps working as expected after you upgrade to v22.

Breaking changes

Event deserialization with EventUtility.ConstructEvent / EventUtility.ParseEvent

One of the most important changes in this version is that deserializing an event using the EventUtility.ConstructEvent or EventUtility.ParseEvent methods will now throw a StripeException if the library detects a mismatch between the event's API version and the API version the library is pinned to (which is 2018-11-08 for 22.0.0).

This is a safety feature to ensure that the events you receive via your webhook handler are formatted as the library expects. Otherwise this could lead to missing information (e.g. if an attribute was renamed) or even crashes (e.g. if the library expects a non-nullable value type that is missing in the event's JSON).

You can disable this behavior by passing throwOnApiVersionMismatch: false to either method, but we don't recommend you do this.

Type changes

  • InvoiceService.ListUpcomingLineItems now accepts a UpcomingInvoiceListLineItemsOptions instead of a UpcomingInvoiceOptions. The new UpcomingInvoiceListLineItemsOptions class has all the same attributes as UpcomingInvoiceOptions, but also accepts pagination parameters.

  • Recipient.ActiveAccount is now a BankAccount instead of a RecipientActiveAccount. The RecipientActiveAccount class has been removed entirely.

  • Deleted is now a bool? instead of a bool on all classes.

  • All arrays have been replaced by lists:

Property Old type New type
AccountVerification.FieldsNeeded string[] List<string>
Card.AvailablePayoutMethods string[] List<string>
Requirements.CurrentlyDue string[] List<string>
Requirements.EventuallyDue string[] List<string>
Requirements.PastDue string[] List<string>
Product.Attributes string[] List<string>
Product.DeactivateOn string[] List<string>
Product.Images string[] List<string>
WebhookEndpoint.EnabledEvents string[] List<string>
BankAccountVerifyOptions.Amounts long[] List<long>
OrderListOptions.Ids string[] List<string>
OrderListOptions.UpstreamIds string[] List<string>
ProductCreateOptions.Attributes string[] List<string>
ProductCreateOptions.DeactivateOn string[] List<string>
ProductCreateOptions.Images string[] List<string>
ProductListOptions.Ids string[] List<string>
ProductUpdateOptions.Attributes string[] List<string>
ProductUpdateOptions.DeactivateOn string[] List<string>
ProductUpdateOptions.Images string[] List<string>
SkuListOptions.Ids string[] List<string>
WebhookEndpointCreateOptions.EnabledEvents string[] List<string>
WebhookEndpointUpdateOptions.EnabledEvents string[] List<string>

Name changes

The following properties have been renamed:

Old name New name
Account.BusinessLogoFileId Account.BusinessLogoId
LegalEntityVerification.DocumentIdBack LegalEntityVerification.DocumentBackId
Evidence.CancellationPolicyFileId Evidence.CancellationPolicyId
Evidence.CancellationPolicyFile Evidence.CancellationPolicy
Evidence.CustomerCommunicationFileId Evidence.CustomerCommunicationId
Evidence.CustomerCommunicationFile Evidence.CustomerCommunication
Evidence.CustomerSignatureFileId Evidence.CustomerSignatureId
Evidence.CustomerSignatureFile Evidence.CustomerSignature
Evidence.CustomerSignatureFileId Evidence.CustomerSignatureId
Evidence.CustomerSignatureFile Evidence.CustomerSignature
Evidence.DuplicateChargeDocumentationFileId Evidence.DuplicateChargeDocumentationId
Evidence.DuplicateChargeDocumentationFile Evidence.DuplicateChargeDocumentation
Evidence.ReceiptFileId Evidence.ReceiptId
Evidence.ReceiptFile Evidence.Receipt
Evidence.RefundPolicyFileId Evidence.RefundPolicyId
Evidence.RefundPolicyFile Evidence.RefundPolicy
Evidence.ServiceDocumentationFileId Evidence.ServiceDocumentationId
Evidence.ServiceDocumentationFile Evidence.ServiceDocumentation
Evidence.ShippingDocumentationFileId Evidence.ShippingDocumentationId
Evidence.ShippingDocumentationFile Evidence.ShippingDocumentation
Recipient.StripeDefaultCardId Recipient.DefaultCardId
Recipient.StripeDefaultCard Recipient.DefaultCard


  • StripeList.TotalCount has been removed. This property was deprecated and is no longer returned by the API in nearly all cases.

  • ValueList.Updated and ValueList.UpdatedBy have been removed. The API no longer returns these properties.

Constants are now static read-only properties

String constants (e.g. Event.ChargeCreated) are now declared as static read-only properties. For the most part, this requires no change on your part, save for switch statements. C# only accepts constant values in switch statements, so you will have to replace the various switch / case with if / else if to achieve the same effect.

New features

Auto-pagination now supports auto-pagination.

Example usage:

var service = new BalanceTransactionService();
var listOptions = new BalanceTransactionListOptions
  Created = new DateRangeOptions
    GreatherThanOrEqual = DateTime.Parse("2018-11-01T00:00:00Z"),
    LessThan = DateTime.Parse("2018-12-01T00:00:00Z"),
  Limit = 100,

foreach (var balanceTransaction in service.ListAutoPaging(listOptions))
  // Do something with balanceTransaction

You can also use LINQ's ToList() method to convert the iterator to a list in memory (be careful when doing this though as this could take a long time depending on the number of items to fetch):

var service = new InvoiceService();
var lineItems = service.ListLineItemsAutoPaging("in_123").ToList();

ToJson() and ToString()

You can now call ToJson() on any instance of a StripeEntity to get a JSON representation of the object.

ToString() has also been overridden to be more useful and include more information, including the class name, a unique ID, and the JSON represensation.

SourceLink support

The library now supports SourceLink, which should improve your debugging experience.