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Command line tool for interacting with Streamr.

See Changelog for version information and changes.

Table of Contents


npm install -g @streamr/cli-tools


All commands follow pattern streamr <command> <subcommand>, e.g.

streamr stream subscribe
streamr mock-data generate

To get a list of all commands simply run streamr. To list subcommands run e.g. streamr stream

Run streamr <command> <subcommand> --help to get more information about a a command, its options, and so forth.


Used to subscribe to a stream and output real-time JSON objects to stdout line-by-line.

For example, to subscribe to a public stream such as the tram demo do

streamr stream subscribe 7wa7APtlTq6EC5iTCBy6dw

To subscribe to a private stream and authenticate with an Ethereum private key:

streamr stream subscribe streamId --private-key <key>

Flag --dev or --stg can be enabled for the command to operate on pre-defined development or staging environment. Alternatively, you can give --ws-url <url> and --http-url <url> to connect to any custom network.


Used to publish events to a stream from stdin line-by-line. Each line should be a valid JSON object.

Example of use:

streamr stream publish <streamId> --private-key <key>

Flag --dev or --stg can be enabled for the command to operate on pre-defined development or staging environment.


Generate random JSON objects to stdout line-by-line.

Useful for generating test data to be published to a stream with publish, e.g.:

streamr mock-data generate | streamr stream publish <streamId> --private-key <key>


Fetch a list of streams that are accessible to the user authenticated by the private key

streamr stream list --private-key <key>


Show detailed information about a specific stream

streamr stream show <streamId> --private-key <key>


Create a new stream

streamr stream create <name> --private-key <key>


Request a resend of historical data printed as JSON objects to stdout line-by-line.

For example, to fetch the 10 latest messages of a public stream such as the tram demo do

streamr stream resend last 10 7wa7APtlTq6EC5iTCBy6dw

To fetch data starting from a particular date-time

streamr stream resend from 2019-05-10T17:00:00 <streamId> --private-key <key>

To fetch data between two date-times

streamr stream resend range 2019-05-10T17:00:00 2019-05-11T21:00:00 <streamId> --private-key <key>

Flag --dev or --stg can be enabled for the command to operate on pre-defined development or staging environment.

Examples: Piping with subscribe and publish

You can use the piping facilities of your *nix operating system with commands publish and subscribe to achieve some useful operations. Below is a list of some ideas.

Subscribing to a stream from any programming language

You can pipe the line-by-line JSON objects output by subscribe to your program written in any language. Just make the program read JSON objects from stdin.

streamr stream subscribe 7wa7APtlTq6EC5iTCBy6dw | ruby calculate-average-speed.rb

Publishing to a stream from any programming language

If your program produces JSON objects to stdout (line-by-line), you can redirect it to command publish to publish the JSON objects to a stream.

python | streamr stream publish <streamId> --private-key <key>

Transforming streams

You can also subscribe to a stream, apply a transformation, and then pipe the transformed output into another stream.

streamr stream subscribe <sourceStream> | ./calculateMovingAverages | streamr stream publish <destinationStream> --private-key <key>

Same rules apply here as before. Your program should accept line-by-line JSON objects via stdin and output JSON objects to stdout line-by-line.

Copying a production stream into development environment

If you have a working stream in production that you'd also like to use in your development environment, you can combine the subscribe and publish commands to effectively copy the real-time events.

streamr stream subscribe 7wa7APtlTq6EC5iTCBy6dw | streamr stream publish --dev <streamId> --private-key <key>

And the same for staging environment:

streamr stream subscribe 7wa7APtlTq6EC5iTCBy6dw | streamr stream publish --stg <streamId> --private-key <key>


This project is a thin wrapper around streamr-client-javascript, which does the heavy lifting, while this project concentrates on CLI concerns: parsing and passing arguments, stdin/stdout, errors, and so forth.


npm publish --access=public


See issues, especially those tagged with "help wanted". We welcome pull requests and issues.