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To start your Phoenix app:

  • Setup your project by running $ bin/setup
  • Start Phoenix endpoint with $ bin/server
  • Start up an interactive console with $ bin/console
  • Connect to your database with $ bin/db
  • Run tests and lint code with $ bin/test

Note: bin/server and bin/test can be run with the -i flag to allow for an interactive mode

Now you can visit localhost:4000 from your browser.


Since this project is still under development, the Pawfile will be the most up to date source of information regarding endpoints. If there is ever any question about how an endpoint works, or what sort of response you should be receiving, you can always check the tests in the /test/controllers directory.


To contribute, put your changes inside a separate branch. Write some tests for it, validate that they work and that your style matches our styleguide by running $ bin/test. If everything passes, open up a Pull Request for review!

Travis CI is used to help ensure that no failing test or bad style gets past a review. If you haven't tested your code or linted it, Travis CI will catch it.

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