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Protoc output: NodeJS

Mya Pitzeruse edited this page Apr 29, 2021 · 2 revisions


Decisions to be made:

  • language support
    • vanilla js (es6+ or whatever the latest version is)
    • typescript? (providing definitions would definitely be helpful to the community)
  • to use @grpc/proto-loader or do static codegen (community seems to use proto-loader more?)
    • The proto-loader repository provides a brief overview of the generated types.
    • For static code-generation, messages can use built-in js generator with commonjs modules. In theory, the generated client/server should only need to import the messages file.

One improvement that would be nice to make to the gRPC signature would be if clients could use async/await instead of being forced into the callback pattern. I've seen some libraries that transparently handle this case and it would be a nice improvement over the gRPC interfaces which only support callbacks (last I looked).