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This gem will run a simply web server to format / display chord files.
A chord file - at least here - is a text file with lyrics and chords for a certain song:

    Bm                    A        Bm
Our Hero, our Hero claims a warrior's heart
  Bm                     A         Bm
I tell you, I tell you the Dragonborn comes
       Bm                       A9         Bm
With a voice wielding power of the ancient Nord Art
  Bm                 A9         Bm
Believe, believe the Dragonborn comes

(Malukah's version of Skyrim's "The Dragonborn comes")

It allows you to view all songs in a certain directory and generate PDF songbooks from them.



Simply install the gem using a ruby version >= 2.2:

$ gem install songbooks


To start a songbooks server in a certain directory, use the following command:

$ sb_server start [DIRECTORY]

If you don't specify a directory, the server will use the directory you are currently in. This means, the following commands are equivalent:

$ sb_server start /path/to/chords
$ cd /path/to/chords && sb_server start

Afterwards, open http://localhost:4567 in your browser and you're good to go.

Annotations / Special Lines

The server automatically searches for certain patterns in the chord files: Song metadata and formatting information.


Currently, only song title and artist are available as metadata. You may specify them by adding the following lines to your chord files:

@artist NAME

Name/Title don't have to be in the same line as the annotation, the following lines are totally valid as well:

The Dragonborn comes

Skyrim OST (Cover by Malukah)


As seen in the above screenshot, it is possible to specify sections in your chord files. Each file starts with an initial unnamed section. To create a named section, add a line in the following format to your file:


Planned features

  • Chord transposing
  • Better handling of chord files without annotations
  • Better PDF formatting
  • PDF generation from command line, e.g. sb_server generate_songbook --out file.pdf [DIRECTORY]


After checking out the repo, run bin/setup to install dependencies.

The project contains a Guardfile to automatically generate css and javascript files from coffeescript and scss, so make sure you start guard before changing anything in app/assets:

$ guard

To install this gem onto your local machine, run bundle exec rake install.


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.