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React Employee Directory is an employee directory with React. This assignment required me to break up the application's UI into components, manage component state, and respond to user events.


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React Employee Directory

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For this assignment, I created an employee directory with React. This assignment required me to break up the application's UI into components, manage component state, and respond to user events.

User Story

  • As a user, I want to be able to view my entire employee directory at once so that I have quick access to their information.


Business Context

An employee or manager would benefit greatly from being able to view non-sensitive data about other employees. It would be particularly helpful to be able to filter employees by name.


Links for Live Application Demo

Link to GitHub Repo - Employee Directory GitHub Repo

Link to deployed application on Heroku - Employee Directory Web Application Deployed on Heroku (please be patient with Heroku, it takes a while for Heroku to "spin up" my webpage)


Please email me at if you have any questions.


React Employee Directory is an employee directory with React. This assignment required me to break up the application's UI into components, manage component state, and respond to user events.






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