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This is the app I use to build and deploy my personal website on I use Next.js as my static site generator and GitHub Actions for deployment.


The static site can be built with yarn build:dev or yarn build:prod. The only difference between the two is the base path (the live website has index /~steven instead of just /).

A local webserver can be started with yarn dev.


All content is contained in ./data or ./public. The folder structure is as follows:

+-- data
    +-- classes/[classCode]
        +-- macros.json
        +-- notes
            +-- [noteName].md
    +-- quals/[topic]
        +-- macros.json
        +-- exams
            +-- [problemCode]
+-- public
    +-- classes
        +-- [classCode]
            +-- [noteName]


Assets for a note [noteName].md in the class [classCode] should be placed in ./public/classes/[classCode]/[noteName]. The assets can then be accessed with {{ assetsFolder }} in the Markdown file.


Contains the blurb on the "About Me" section at the index.


fullName: my full name
pronouns: my preferred pronouns
office: my office
email: my (obfuscated) email address
address: an array; each line is a line in the address
fax: my (or the math office's) fax number


Contains all the data about the class, including announcements and policies.

Announcements Table

In the announcements section, each line should be in the form - | [MM/DD/YY] | [announcement] for it to be added to the table properly.

Note Links

All instances of notes::[noteName].md will be replaced with noteName's title that links to the actual note.


courseDescription: official class description
section: section I'm teaching
instructor: name of the instructor
instructorUrl: URL to instructor's website
    - section: section this information applies to
      days: [MTWRF]
      time: [START] - [END]
      location: where the discussion takes place
    - section: section this information applies to
      days: [MTWRF]
      time: [START] - [END]
      location: where the office hours take place
    - title: title for the link
      url: the link


Defines LaTeX macros for the class. They will mainly be used in the notes.

    "\\commandName": "macro"
    // ...


Notes for students to read and review from.

Custom Tags

Boxed Sections

  • <theorem>
  • <definition>
  • <proposition>

These content in each of these tags is boxed. Text in the same line but after the opening tag are put in parentheses. For example, <theorem> Cauchy will automatically insert Theorem (Cauchy) at the beginning of the content.


  • <exercise>
  • <example>
  • <solution>

Examples and exercises are counted automatically as the Markdown file is read. For example, the second <example> tag in the document will be formatted as Example 2. without needing to count manually.


title: title of the notes
date: YYYY-MM-DD (just for reference)
tags: list of tags related to the notes (e.g., topics covered)
publish: whether the page will be visible or not on the website


Contains the full title of the qual topic and some basic information about my solutions. For example, collaborators and resources should be named here.

The page for a qual topic is generated by taking and (at build time) generating the list of the qual problems by year and quarter.


title: Full topic name


Defines LaTeX macros for the qual topic.

    "\\commandName": "macro"
    // ...


Contains the problem statement and a solution.

Custom Tags

  • <problem>
  • <solution>

Mainly used for styling. Currently, <problem> doesn't do anything, and <solution> puts an italicized "Solution." at the beginning of the solution.

Links to Other Problems

quals::[problemCode].md is expanded to a stylized link to the specified problem.


topics: a list of topics relevant to the problem (e.g., Lp spaces)