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Filter fastq file based on bed regions

A workflow for subsetting .fastq.gz files based on selected genomic coordinates.

This workflow will search the .bam file for the read identifiers that match the desired coordinates, then extract those reads from the original fastq files. This way, you can subset your fastq files down to only the reads that match the desired regions.

Input Data

Required data:

  • input fastq.gz files to be subset (designed for use with paired-end reads)

  • .bam alignments for the fastq files

  • .bed file (targets.bed) with genomic coordinates to select reads, in the format:

chr start   stop    numReads


chr7	140453135	140453137	950

The fourth field in the .bed file is optional; if not present, the value of params.maxReads from the main pipeline script will be used.


First, clone this repo:

git clone
cd fastq-bed-subset

The software required to run the pipeline can be downloaded and set up using the included Makefile recipe:

make install

This will install conda and Nextflow in the current directory, and install the needed dependencies into the conda installation.

You can test that the installation worked with make test.

Set your desired genomic regions in the file targets.bed; an example file is provided.

Set the input files for your samples in the samplesheet.tsv file in the format:

Sample  R1  R2  Bam

For the sample ID, fastq read 1, fastq read 2, and .bam file, respectively. The fields R1 and R2 can be comma-delimited lists of multiple input files, in case your reads were split by lane during demultiplexing, etc.; they will be combined into a single R1 and R2 fastq file each before processing.

Run the Nextflow pipeline in the current session:

make run
  • NOTE: The included execution configuration has been customized for usage on NYULMC Big Purple HPC using SLURM; you can adjust this to match your execution platform in the nextflow.config file.

If you want to submit the parent Nextflow process to the SLURM HPC cluster for execution, you can use make submit instead.


  • bin: directory with scripts to be used during Nextflow workflow

  • main Nextflow workflow script

  • Makefile: wrapper script to easily set up and execute the workflow

  • nextflow.config: configure file for Nextflow

  • targets.bed: genomic coordinates file

  • samplesheet.tsv: samplesheet with input files to be processed


  • Nextflow (installation included)

  • Python (installation included with conda)

    • pysam, biopython
  • GNU make and bash to run the wrapper scripts in the Makefile


Filter fastq file based on bed regions







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