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automultinomial intro

This intro is an abbreviated version of the cran vignette for the R package automultinomial. The automultinomial package is designed to be used for regressions similar to logistic or multinomial logit regression. However, unlike ordinary logistic and multinomial logit models, the autologistic/automultinomial model includes an autocorrelation parameter to account for spatial dependence between observations.

The organization of this document is:

  1. cran and Github installation how-to
  2. A data example with binary response (2 response categories)
  3. A data example with 3 response categories

The problem automultinomial solves

Consider a data problem where covariates (the independent variables) and categorical outcomes (the dependent variables) are observed on a spatial grid or lattice. If the outcomes are spatially autocorrelated, then our coefficient estimates and inference procedures ought to take this into account. Intuitively, when outcomes are correlated, the effective sample size of the dataset is smaller than if the outcomes were independent. The statistical information we can gain based on samples from multiple nearby sites may be less than if we were able to sample sites that are ``more independent''.

A particular practical risk in neglecting spatial correlation is that confidence intervals may be too narrow. We might find ``statistically significant'' relationships that are in fact byproducts of noise or dependent sampling. The automultinomial package provides a tool for dealing with outcomes with spatial autocorrelation. It still might happen that nearby sites in a dataset are effectively independent. But we can only assess this using a method that accounts for the spatial arrangement of the samples.

The vignette on cran contains a technical description of the model being fit.


cran installation


Github installation


Then, run the following:


Data example 1: K=2 response categories

Here, we will demonstrate how to simulate data using automultinomial, how to fit data using automultinomial, and how to analyze the output.

Simulating data

First we will use the drawSamples() function to simulate some data from the autologistic model. The drawSamples() function takes the following arguments:

  • beta: the $p\times 1$ coefficient vector (for $K=2$ response categories) or the $p\times (K-1)$ coefficient matrix (for $K>2$ response categories)
  • gamma: the value of the correlation parameter
  • X: the $n\times p$ design matrix $X=[x_1,x_2,...,x_n]^T$
  • A: a square symmetric adjacency matrix encoding the neighborhood structure
  • burnIn: the number of burnin iterations for the Gibbs sampler. Safe to leave at the default of 300.
  • nSamples: the number of simulated samples to draw.

First, we will set up the simulation parameters:


#10 predictors

#n times n grid

#make grid and adjacency matrix

#set coefficient values 
##             [,1]
## [1,] -0.04077736
## [2,] -0.01223909
## [3,]  0.30316170
## [4,] -0.04747873
## [5,] -0.64699125
#set covariate values

#set the correlation parameter value (0.7 is a moderate amount of spatial correlation)

Then, we will use the drawSamples() function to generate simulated data.

#use drawSamples to simulate data with parameters beta and gamma by Gibbs sampling
y=drawSamples(beta,gamma,X,A,nSamples = 1)
y2=drawSamples(beta,0,X,A,nSamples = 1)

The figure shows plots of the responses on the grid. On the left plot, we can see "clumping" of the responses due to the positive autocorrelation parameter $\gamma=0.7$. The right hand plot is from the distribution with the same $\boldsymbol{\beta}$, and $\gamma=0$.

Fitting an autologistic model to the data (K=2 categories)

Now we'll fit an autologistic model using the MPLE() function. The MPLE() function takes 3 primary arguments:

  • X: the design matrix $X=[x_1,x_2,...,x_n]^T$
  • A: a square symmetric adjacency matrix encoding the neighborhood structure
  • y: the response vector $y$, which is required by MPLE() to be a factor vector.

There are also several secondary arguments.

  • ciLevel: for $xy$% confidence intervals, set ciLevel to $0.xy$ (the default is ciLevel=0.95, which produces 95% confidence intervals)
  • method: By choosing method="asymptotic", MPLE will output confidence intervals based on the asymptotic distribution of the pseudolikelihood estimator. For bootstrap confidence intervals, use method="boot". The default is method="asymptotic".
  • burnIn: the number of burnin iterations for the Gibbs sampler for method="boot". Safe to leave at the default of 300.
  • nBoot: the number of bootstrap samples to use for making bootstrap confidence intervals.

After fitting the model, we will examine confidence intervals for the fitted parameters. The asymptotic type confidence intervals can be computed very quickly, but may be less accurate in practice than bootstrap confidence intervals.

First, we will fit the model using the MPLE() function.

# responses must be input as a factor
fit1=MPLE(X=X,y=y,A=A,ciLevel = 0.95,method = "asymptotic")
fit2=MPLE(X=X,y=y,A=A,ciLevel = 0.95,method = "boot",nBoot = 500)

Then, we can use the MPLE_summary() function to view the model summary in table form.

#to see the information contained in fit1 and fit2, use str() (not run to save space)

## Table: Summary with confidence intervals
##      2 vs. 1                  gamma               
## ---  -----------------------  --------------------
## 1    0.001 (-0.139,0.141)     0.718 (0.641,0.795) 
## 2    -0.002 (-0.141,0.136)                        
## 3    0.277 (0.142,0.413)                          
## 4    -0.085 (-0.231,0.061)                        
## 5    -0.686 (-0.851,-0.521)                       
## Table: Summary with p-values
##      2 vs. 1          gamma     
## ---  ---------------  ----------
## 1    0.001 (0.989)    0.718 (0) 
## 2    -0.002 (0.975)             
## 3    0.277 (0)                  
## 4    -0.085 (0.255)             
## 5    -0.686 (0)
## Table: Summary with confidence intervals
##      2 vs. 1                 gamma               
## ---  ----------------------  --------------------
## 1    0.001 (-0.136,0.15)     0.718 (0.651,0.805) 
## 2    -0.002 (-0.152,0.155)                       
## 3    0.277 (0.13,0.414)                          
## 4    -0.085 (-0.236,0.048)                       
## 5    -0.686 (-0.836,-0.55)                       
## Table: Summary with p-values
##      2 vs. 1          gamma     
## ---  ---------------  ----------
## 1    0.001 (0.988)    0.718 (0) 
## 2    -0.002 (0.972)             
## 3    0.277 (0)                  
## 4    -0.085 (0.25)              
## 5    -0.686 (0)

Data example 2: K=3 response categories

Now, we demonstrate the use of the package when there are 3 response categories. Essentially, everything is still the same, and most of the previous code doesn't change at all. The only difference is that now, the $\boldsymbol{\beta}$ parameter is a matrix with $2=K-1$ columns, rather than a vector as in the $K=2$ case.

Simulating data

Generating simulated data using the function drawSamples().


#10 predictors

#n times n grid

#make grid and adjacency matrix

#set coefficient values 
#with 3 categories in the response, beta is now a matrix
##            [,1]        [,2]
## [1,]  0.4112875 -0.03183735
## [2,] -0.1694095  0.45345660
## [3,]  0.1089385 -0.02839771
## [4,]  0.1898588  0.60552711
## [5,]  0.1212805 -0.01881423
#set covariate values

#set the correlation parameter value (0.7 is a moderate amount of spatial correlation)
#use drawSamples to simulate data with parameters beta and gamma by Gibbs sampling
y=drawSamples(beta,gamma,X,A,nSamples = 1)
y2=drawSamples(beta,0,X,A,nSamples = 1)

Figure \ref{fig:plotk3} shows plots of the 3-category responses on the grid. On the left plot, we again see "clumping" of the responses due to the positive autocorrelation parameter. The right hand plot is from the distribution with the same $\boldsymbol{\beta}$, and $\gamma=0$.

Fitting an automultinomial model to the data (K=3 categories)

#responses must be input as a factor
fit1=MPLE(X=X,y=y,A=A,ciLevel = 0.95,method = "asymptotic")
fit2=MPLE(X=X,y=y,A=A,ciLevel = 0.95,method = "boot",nBoot = 500)
#to see the information contained in fit1 and fit2, use str() (not run to save space)

## Table: Summary with confidence intervals
##      2 vs. 1                  3 vs. 1                 gamma               
## ---  -----------------------  ----------------------  --------------------
## 1    0.366 (0.224,0.509)      -0.032 (-0.169,0.106)   0.696 (0.624,0.769) 
## 2    -0.204 (-0.343,-0.065)   0.301 (0.158,0.444)                         
## 3    0.079 (-0.064,0.221)     0.085 (-0.047,0.217)                        
## 4    0.181 (0.038,0.324)      0.722 (0.573,0.871)                         
## 5    0.153 (0.014,0.291)      -0.056 (-0.195,0.082)                       
## Table: Summary with p-values
##      2 vs. 1          3 vs. 1          gamma     
## ---  ---------------  ---------------  ----------
## 1    0.366 (0)        -0.032 (0.65)    0.696 (0) 
## 2    -0.204 (0.004)   0.301 (0)                  
## 3    0.079 (0.278)    0.085 (0.206)              
## 4    0.181 (0.013)    0.722 (0)                  
## 5    0.153 (0.03)     -0.056 (0.424)
## Table: Summary with confidence intervals
##      2 vs. 1                  3 vs. 1                 gamma               
## ---  -----------------------  ----------------------  --------------------
## 1    0.366 (0.234,0.502)      -0.032 (-0.175,0.116)   0.696 (0.628,0.778) 
## 2    -0.204 (-0.352,-0.049)   0.301 (0.154,0.448)                         
## 3    0.079 (-0.061,0.212)     0.085 (-0.05,0.222)                         
## 4    0.181 (0.042,0.343)      0.722 (0.576,0.878)                         
## 5    0.153 (0.004,0.309)      -0.056 (-0.206,0.098)                       
## Table: Summary with p-values
##      2 vs. 1          3 vs. 1          gamma     
## ---  ---------------  ---------------  ----------
## 1    0.366 (0)        -0.032 (0.694)   0.696 (0) 
## 2    -0.204 (0.004)   0.301 (0)                  
## 3    0.079 (0.3)      0.085 (0.246)              
## 4    0.181 (0.024)    0.722 (0)                  
## 5    0.153 (0.054)    -0.056 (0.434)