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Brew Maps


Rachel Hill

Stephanie Roe

Nicholas Ao

Igor Decess


Save yourself time trying to find a good brewery and use Brew Maps, where you can find a perfect brew for you. You can scroll through the list of breweries and look at their reviews and where they are located. Want to see if a brewery's is good? Search for it using our responsive search bar and look at the reviews.

Brew Maps is a group project for Module 3 that is a cummulation of Module 3's lessons on React, Express, Cypress E2E testing, and Router.

Learning Goals

  • Learning how to self-teach a new topic: TypeScript
  • Successfully implement TypeScript
  • Build a good understanding of TypeScript


  • React
  • TypeScript
  • HTML
  • CSS
  • Express
  • Cypress
  • Fetch API
  • Webpack
  • NPM
  • Router


  • Upon page load, the user is presented with 20 different breweries.
  • A user can search for a specific brewery and the breweries will populate on the page based on the user's input.
  • When a user clicks on a brewery, they are taken to a screen with the brewery name and reviews for that brewery.
  • Users can leave their own review on a brewery.
  • Users can utilize the forward/backward arrows to navigate their history on the site and can share a specific URL pertaining to each brewery.

Page Demo

home search gif

add reviews

Possible Future Extensions

  • Create a user login
  • Add images for the breweries
  • Allow users to favorite a brewery

Front End Set Up Instructions

  1. Fork and clone this repo.
  2. Type cd brew-maps to move into the root directory.
  3. Run npm install to install necessary dependencies.
  4. Run npm start.
  5. Copy the url given by running npm start and open in your browser.
    • URL:
  6. Run Cypress tests with npm run cypress if all dependencies are installed correctly.
    • Before running Cypress, restart the back end server (instructions below).
  7. Explore the available movies and see their details!

Back End Set Up Instructions

In addition to the above repo running in your terminal, you will also need to follow the steps below to start the back end api that we created.

  1. Clone down THIS repo
  2. cd into brew-maps-api
  3. Run npm init
  4. Run npm i express
  5. Run node server.js to start the back end server

Project Spec

  • The spec for this project can be found here.

Project GitHub Repo

  • The project repo can be found here.

Additional Resources


No description, website, or topics provided.






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Contributors 4
